chapter 4 CINABUN???!!

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Hinata's POV
Flashback .

The day I first meet Yuuri was both one of the scariest as well as the most wonderful experiences I have ever had.

It started as most days did for 9 year old me on the Hyuga compound.

I woke up bright and early, because we had no academy today I went about my regular routine which involved training with my father, and as expected I was not able to do much seeing as I had yet to even scratch the full potential of my Byakugan abilities and compared to my extremely skilled father who was also the clan head, I was just an inexperienced child.

That was just what I was, but my father expected more from me which I was not able to deliver, disappointing him.

It did not matter to him if I could barely use my Byakugan or if I was still a very young child.

I was the clan heir and as such, I was supposed to be strong.

It wasn't as though I didn't wish to be strong, it was one thing I desired.

I wished for strength in order to protect my little sister Hanabi who had just turned 4.

I still remember the day she was born, how could I not, it was the day everything changed.

I can remember my mother lying on the bed right after childbirth.

Her usualy beautiful pale skin now a sicklly tone.

Her lovely lavender eyes glossy with tears.

I could hear the medic talking to my father who was holding my newborn baby sister.

At the time, it was to much for my 5 year old brain to comprehend but now I completely understand.

They were telling my father that the birth had taken a toll on my mother, that she had lost far to much blood and was not going to make it.

My father was shouting at the medics telling them to do everything they could to save his wife, his shouts only woke the sleeping baby in his arms.

At that moment my mother spoke up " Hiashi" she said, her voice hoarse and barely above a whisper but it was enough to silence everyone, my father, the medic and even the crying baby.

It was like everyone understood the situation, all except from me.

Upon hearing hearing the voice of his wife, father rushed to her side, with me in tow.

I could not hear this conversation but it brought tears to both their eyes which suprised me, my father never cried. Suddenly father handed the baby over to mother.

" Hanabi" mother said, kissing the baby's forehead and causing her to giggle, "it is a beautiful name is it not?"

"Very beautiful" he responded.

"Come here Hinata" my mother called in her weak voice.

"M-mummy w-what's going on, why are you and daddy c-crying, is the b-baby making you s-sad?" I asked innocently, seeing my parents cry also brought tears to my eyes.

"Her name is Hanabi and she's you little sister from now on. It's a big responsibility but be sure to and take care of her for me okay?"

"B-ut you'll be t-there to help me r-right?"

" I'm sorry Hina but your mum is going somewhere you can't follow" she replied voice cracking.

" N-no p-please don't leave me alone I-I" I begged tears freely falling from my eyes now.

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