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Tyler had been in a coma for a week now. Lindsay was worried about him everyday she would make visit to the hospital every day aswell.

"Tyler I miss you so much I think you can hear me, I have so much to tell you my favourite lip gloss brand has come out with a apple flavoured and it tastes really nice I'll leave one for you when you wake up, iv been staying with Leshawna and Harold there really nice and I love them but their not you, I love you Tyler"

She was currently playing mario kart with Harold and she was surprisingly good at it aswell.

"I just don't understand iv been playing for years and you play once and you beat me, thats not how it works!"

"You just gotta give in to your defeat" Leshawna said pecking Harold on the cheek."anyways dinners ready"

"Oh Lindsay, Leshawna is the best cook ever"! Harold said.

"I bet she is, Tyler and me both don't know how to cook so we always get take out or tylers mum cooks for us and she is the sweetest lady everrr"

"Awh thats nice" Leshawna said.

"OMG I totally forgot to call her she is probably so worried about Tyler, excuse me guys I'm going Call her right now"

Lindsay got up from the table
and dialed his moms number.
"Hello?" the voice on the other side sounded like the person had just been crying."Hi Vicky, it's Lindsay I'm sorry for not calling sooner but I want to know if your okay you know about Tyler and everything"

"Lindsay dear hello thank you for calling, honestly its been tough but iv been informed that you have been visiting him at the hospital so thank you about that"
Lindsay heard muttered sounds in the back "Harry darling its Lindsay, tylers girlfriend"
"Let me talk to her"

"Mr Jackson hiii, how are you doing"

"Terrible and its all your fault"

"Excuse me what" Lindsay was confused what did he mean.

"You could of stopped my boy from doing something stupid but you didn't because your  too stupid to do anything, my Tyler deserves better than a whore"

"Mr Jackson I know your upset but there is nothing I could of done I lost him at the party"

"YOU lost him at the party this is all your fault" "Harry please stop she didn't mean too-"
"Just shut up Victoria, if my son wakes up he is no longer allowed to date you alright"

"Mr Jackson please-"
but he had hung up.

Lindsay was trying to hold back her tears as she back down.

"You alright honey" Leshawna said.

"yeah I'm fine"

"you don't look so good" Harold said.

"Tylers dad thinks its my fault that Tyler is the hospital"

"Gosh, what an idiot Lindsay its not your fault at all"

"Harolds right, you didn't even know what he was doing it doesn't matter"

"He says when Tyler wakes up he won't be allowed to date me anymore"

"If Tyler wakes up" Harold muttered"

"HAROLD! and bullshit, he doesn't know how much you love him and I'm sure Tyler loves you that he will carrying on dating no matter what!"

"Thanks guys your the best"

"Wanna do a rematch of Mario Kart"

"Harold how about we go out in the real world"

"Gosh fine"

The three of them walked outside then Lindsay got out her phone.

"Photo time guys!"

Lindsays story

Lindsays story

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yoo you guys rly need to check out sstrxwberri books. He's underated af and I would love if you read some of their books.

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