Chapter 2

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Niall's POV

"Hey!" I said.
"Heyy" she said.
"How are you?" I said.
"Great how bout you?" She said.
"I'm doing fine." I said.
"Why'd you want me to come here?" She said.
"Well I just looked at you and I wanted to get to know you more." I said
"Aww that's sweet" she said.

"Hey I'm staying at a hotel want to come over for a little? The boys aren't gonna be there for about an hour or two." I said
"Yeah sure I guess!" She said

Jasmines POV

I'm going to Niall's hotel. Me and him are in the Lemo right now. A little closer than friends would be. He started to scoot closer. He's face inches away but I backed out. I got scared. "Oh sorry.." He said
"No it's okay it's just this wouldn't work out so I don't want to get my hopes up."
I said
"Trust me Jasmine, I can make this work between us." He said

New Years EveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora