Chapter 6

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Jasmines POV

"Hey Niall I have to go back home for a few days." I said
"Do you really have to?" He said
"Yes in fact the taxis waiting for me." I said
"Aw man well bye love you!" He said
"Love you too!" I said

I ran over to catch the taxi. I waved bye to Niall.

Finally I got back to Kerrville. When I went in I saw Jessy. The guy I used to like. But I'm dating Niall. Im shocked. I don't think I still have feeling for Jessy. I love Niall not jessy.
"Hey jasmine!" Jessy said
"Uh hey!" I said
I could feel the butterflies.

New Years EveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora