Chapter 5

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Niall's POV

"I heard a lot of banging and noises last night." Harry said
"Oh shut up Harry!" I said
"It was probably you and Sylvia!" I said
"Jasmine do you want some Starbucks?" I said
""Yeah sure" she said
I walked out to the car and drive to Starbucks. I already know what Jasmine likes to get.

Jasmines POV

I sat in the couch with Harry and Louis waiting for my Starbucks. Niall went to go get it. I'm pretty sure he already knows want I get.
"Uh why do we have to watch Sponge bob?" I said
"Because it's funny" Harry said
"And it's my favorite show." Louis said
"Ugh. Okay."I said

"I'm back. And I got Starbucks!" Niall said
"Well I would assume so you went out to go get Starbucks." Harry said
"Shut up and give me some Starbucks!" Louis said
"Yeah I would rely like some Starbucks

Niall's POV

I passed around Starbucks I got 2 extra in case Liam and Zayn came. I know they like Starbucks.
*Knock knock knock*
"Who's there?" Harry yelled
"Your pizzas here." The pizza man said

Yes I know we're having pizza and Starbucks for breakfast

I went and payed the pizza guy and walked in with a pizza. Set in on the table so everyone could grab what they wanted.

New Years EveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora