Chapter 4

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Jasmines POV

Niall and I were cuddling on his bed. His arms wrapped around my waist. He kept pulling me closer and closer.
I heard him whisper "I love you."
"I love you too." I said

My eyes were getting heavier and heavier so I fell asleep.
When I woke up Niall was gone. So I walked down stairs and saw him in the kitchen and Harry and Louis in the living room.
Louis and Harry were just watching tv and I believe Niall was making breakfast.
Harry said "what were you doing last night?"
I heard Niall say "Harry shut up!"
I just laughed and went to the kitchen.
"Hey babe" Niall said
"Hey" I said
"How'd you sleep?" He said
"Great. You?" I said
"Great. Very comfortable." He said
"Hey maybe Yall shouldn't be in the same room next time!" Harry yelled

"Oh wow Harry! Can you shut up please?" Niall said

New Years EveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora