Chapter 23

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Y/n's pov

"I'll be late" I muttered as I run towards JYPE building

Today we decided to practice even tho it's our day off. I didn't want to bother Beom-soo hyung so I decided to walk but i I ended up being late.

I arrived at the building and headed to the stairs but they were closed.

"Eh? Excuse me, wae can't I use the stairs?" I asked the receptionist

"Some water carboys fell and the stairs are now all wet. They are cleaning them." she informed me

"Ah ...kamsahamnida" I walked towards the elevator

I stood in front of the elevator and took a deep breath. I pressed the button but when the doors opened, I hesitated to walk in. The doors closed and I sighed.

"Y/n? Gwaenchana?" I turned around and saw Lia looking at me

"Ah, ne" I nodded

"You are lying" she crossed her arms

"I'm late for practice and I can't use the stairs." I sighed

"" she looked at the elevator

"Come on. We'll go together" she smiled

"... I don't like elevators"

"I know but I'll be there" she offered me her hand

I took it shyly and we walked in the elevator. She pressed the button for the floor with the practice rooms and we waited.

I looked at our hands and then at her. I could see her doing the same. Our eyes met and instantly, we both looked away.

Suddenly the elevator stopped moving. Lia let go of my hand and walked to the buttons. She pressed the button to the closest floor but nothing happened. She then pressed the emergency call button and turned to look at me.

I had become pale and I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe. I supported myself to the wall. Lia rushed to me and put her hands on my shoulders.

"Y/n take deep breaths" she looked at me with concern

"I-I'm stuck...i-in an elevator..." I muttered

"Y/n look at me." she said and I obeyed

"I'm here with you. Take deep breaths." she demonstrated and I followed

"That's it. Deep breaths. Everything will be okay. I already called for help." she gave me a reassuring smile

"I'm scared. I don't like elevators" I said

"I know. Come on, sit down." We both sat on the floor

"Everything will be alright" she rubbed my arms

I closed my eyes and continued taking deep breaths. I still was feeling unable to breathe. Lia sat with her back on the wall and squeezed my hand. I looked at her.

"Lay your head on my lap" she smiled kindly

"Huh? I-is that okay?" I asked

"Ne. Come on" she smiled

I laid down with my head on her lap she started playing with my hair. I looked at her surprised and she giggled.

"I know that this calms you down." she smiled

"It does. Gomawo" I smiled and closed my eyes

"How are you feeling?"

"Better... Mianhae. I didn't want to panic"

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