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"Nightmare, I... I need to tell you something..." The smaller of the two stated whilst the skeleton in question glanced up from his book and semi-glared at his brother. Annoyed that he had to stop reading his book. "What?" He asked the younger twin. "I made a mistake..." His brother admitted, bashfully while blushing furiously. Nightmare raised his skeletal eyebrows in confusion. "What did you do?" He asked. Dream refused to meet his eyes, and he looked a few seconds away from crying. "Dream." His brother said sternly. "What... What did you do." He repeated.

The younger guardian hesitated. "I... May or may not have lost something to one of my friends..." He muttered. "Is that it?" His brother asked, suddenly very angry with the younger twin. Dream looked at him, once again close to tears. "Alright fine." He said, giving into his brothers trap. "What wrong?" He asked forcefully. His brother sniffled in response. "N-Nighty..." He whimpered, now Nightmare was definitely concerned. "Y-yes...?" He said.

"NIGHTY, I'M PREGNANT!" Dream exclaimed before bursting into hysterical tears.

The negative guardian paused. This was not what he had been expecting.
In his mind, Dream was still the sweet little six year old he had turned to stone and abandoned all those years ago. The child he cared for and raised for a long as he could remember. It had never occurred to him that the smaller would one day grow up and make his own family. And the fact that Dream had told him this, dispite the fact that they had only been on good terms for about eight months, and dispite the fact that the younger still flinched whenever Nightmare raised his hand, dispite the fact that Dream whimpered whenever he raised his voice, and...

Dispite all of that...

Dispite everything Dream still tried to trust him. Even if he couldn't fully convince himself he trusted the oldest twin.

Nightmare shook himself out of his trance as the younger guardian began to wail louder than before. "Hey, hey! D-don't cry sweetie, i-it's... Ummm..." He had to admit, he sucked at comforting people. "I'm s-s-sorry!" His brother cried. Nightmare freaked, he had no idea why Dream was crying in the first place, nor why he felt the need to apologize for it. But what he did know was that he was supposed to act like an older brother, someone who took care of Dream. Something he had failed at over the past few years.

"Come here..." He murmured uncertaintly as he brought the younger guardian close his chest and held him gently in his embrace. "Shhh..." He muttered, softly stroking the other. "Dream, I need you to calm down okay?" He asked, hesitantly. "Can you please explain... I know you're pregnant, but can you tell me who the other parent is...?" He whispered. Dream sniffled for a bit, and hiccuped. "I... H-his... He..." He stuttered for a bit before pausing and burying his face into his brother neck. "Dream?" He asked. "I really, re... Really... L-l-like h-him..." His baby brother murmured in a muffled voice. "He's r-really nice to me... A-and he's really s-s-sweet..." He sobbed. Nightmare nodded along as through this made sense to him.

Dream gave a watery chuckle as he pulled away and wiped the tears from his face. "I've a-already told him... He was so excited... He said... He said he wanted to protect us..." Dreams arms fell to his stomach. It suddenly occurred to the him that his baby brother was pregnant. That the smaller was carrying a child.
A child that would more than likely grow to hate him for what he did to their parent. "Where a-are you raising the child..." He asked in a sad but silent voice. Dream smiled, "I'm not sure... I think we decided to raise them at my place..." He said quietly. Nightmare frowned. "I don't know where you live..." He muttered, somewhat horrified with himself. Dream giggled. "I still live in Dreamtale." He said, his brother nodded. "Okay... Why?" He asked as subtly as possible. Dream frowned, "It's... It was my home..." He muttered, almost angryly. "It was my only home..." He continued.

Nightmare stared at the younger guardian and frowned. "Dream?" He asked, gently. "I'm sorry." The smaller said almost instantly as he snapped back into reality. "I'm being s-selfish again, aren't I?" He asked, furiously wiping away the burning tears that slid down his face. "W-who told you t-that...?" Nightmare asked as carefully as possible. Dream stiffened, blinking away the tears. "I..." He sniffled. "No one... Nighty... No one did..." He muttered shamefully. "Dream, br-brother..." He forced the last word from his throat, it had been so long since he had called the smaller  that without it being a form of mokery or insult. "Dream, tell me who told you such a thing..." He asked. "Nightmare... Please stop..." Dream begged, tears flowing freely down his face. Nightmare growled and grabbed the other by his shoulders. "Dream who told you that you're being selfish?" He asked. Dream sobbed. "No one! I-it's not i-i-important!" He cried, scrubbing the tears from his face. "Dream!" His brother growled.

The smaller struggled against his brother, frantically searching for a way out. "Dream, talk to me, please!" His brother growled at him.

Nightmare was angry. Nightmare was always angry. He did something wrong? Yes, of course he did! Why else would Nighty hate him? He was wrong! His entire existence hurt the other, didn't it? That's why he hated him! Dream was wrong. Dream was always wrong. Dream was wrong. Dream was wrong. Dream was wrong. Dream was wrong. Dream was wrong. Dream was wrong. Dream was wrong. Dream was-

He didn't exactly remember what happened next. Maybe it was the hand, digging into his arm, maybe it was the tallers tone of voice. Whatever it was, it cause Dream to snap. He remembered screaming, then moving away as quickly as possible. He looked up at his brother fearfully. He watched as Nightmares face morphed from angry to shocked to hurt. How his hand slowly made its way to his bruised face...

Dream had punched him...

He didn't mean to...

He'd never harm Nightmare...

Never on purpose...

Dream sobbed as he turned and fled, his brother calling out after him as he ran and quickly teleported to the forest of Dreamtale, collapsing in the garden he had planted and cried. He sobbed and screamed and threw up until he had nothing left to give. So he laid there, on the forest floor near his garden outside his 'home' laying in his own sick.

In other words, it was pathetic.

.   .   . . .   .   .   .   . . .   .   .   .   . . .   .   .

He was pathetic...

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