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Nightmare stood there holding his cheekbone. It hadn't been the first time his brother had freaked out, and he knew it wouldn't be the last. He sighed as his form changed, Dream had recently been diagnosed with PTSD by Sci. He had learnt that small things like apples could be enough to trigger a flashback, he knew he should have been more careful. But he wasn't because he was an idiot.

Nightmare groaned loudly before teleporting back to his castle. He didn't know when he had started growing attached to his old self's brother, nor did he know why he hadn't just killed him when he had the chance, but what he did know was that Dream's real brother was dead. When the Little light had needed him more than ever, he had gone off and gotten himself killed. But Dream still needed him. That's why he was here, he'd take care of Dream and the child he was carrying, Dream had wormed his way into his cold, stone heart, and even though Dream might not be his brother...
He still loved him...

"Heya boss!" Killer said, smirking widely. "Is the 'truce plan' still going or is this an actual truce?" He asked. Nightmare grunted. "I don't know!? Both?" He replied, Killer frowned. "What? Did something happen?" Nightmare glanced at him as he sat down next to him and rested his arms on the bench. "You could say that..." He muttered, waving Horror over. "What happened?" Killer asked curiously. Nightmare groaned as he rubbed his temples. "Dream's pregnant..." He muttered, burying his face into his arms. Horror blinked from where he was standing. "Baby...?" He asked, his pupils dilating in a way that reminded the skeletons of a cat. Nightmare nodded.

"Well great boss! You're gonna be an Uncle!" Killer said, "I guess this means Dreamy-boys off the table, then heh?~" he said as Nightmare took a swing at him. "Hey, hey! Relaxe boss, I was kidding!" He said before turning to the cannibal in front of them. "Two shots!" He ordered. Horror nodded slowly, his eye never leaving the boss. "Two... Shots..." He repeated, grabbing two glasses.

Nightmare frowned, twitching his tendrils as he listened to his partner pour him a shot.
"You know I'm not his brother, the thing growing inside of him isn't going to be related to me." He stated glaring at the target souled monster.

Killer's smirk turned less sinister and more sincere.
"You might just be a pile of goop and other negative shit, but ya seem to care about the little sunshine." He said, "And he seems to care about you too." He said.
"You know, despite the fact that you fucking traumatized him and gave him PTSD and all that." He shrugged.

Nightmare sighed as he re-hided his face in his arms, Horror gently placed his hand on his skull and petted him softly. Killer laughed, quickly attempting to disguise it as a cough. "Yes, thank you Horror..." The guardian muttered as he lifted his head. The cannibal smiled widely, happy to help his boss before handing him a glass.

Nightmare mumbled a quiet thanks before downing the drink. He hissed as the liquid burnt his throat on the way down and shook his head.
"I really need to apologize to him..." He muttered. Killer smirked. "Did 'ya really freak out that much when you found out someone had knocked up your baby brother?" He asked, downing his own drink.

Nightmare froze.
He hadn't fought about that. He knew his brother was pregnant, he knew that, logically his brother would have had to have had...

To have done that at some point for a child to have been conceived.
But he'd never thought about Dream even knowing about that, let alone doing it!

"Oh my god..." He murmured somewhat horrified with the very thought of someone doing that to his baby brother.

Killer started laughing.
"You didn't know???" He asked through wheezing breaths.
"I- I never thought... I didn't..." Nightmare trailed off and once again his his face in his hands.

Horror frowned from where he was before hitting Killer over the head.
"Stop..." He muttered as loudly as he could.
"Nice to... Boss..." He demanded. Killer smirked.
"Okay, okay, I'll be good" He said. Horror nodded before he reached out and petted his boss's skull again.
"There... There..." He said as the guardian continued to panic.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, don't worry..." He said to the other, whilst he was clearly not fine. "Boss...?" Horror said before making a high pitched whine that made Nightmare pause.

"You... Calm..." Horror insisted. The guardian huffed a laugh as he wiped the newly formed tears from his face. "I make... Tea..." The cannibal decided, "Make... Boss calm..." He said, nodding his head at his own logic. Nightmare smiled. "Okay..." He muttered. "Okay..."

Killer smirked at his boss. "Jeez, thought we lost 'ya for a second there boss." He said. The guardian rolled his eyelight. "I'm fine... I just need to talk to Dream..." He murmured.
"Tea... First..." Horror growled setting the mug down in front of him. "Boss... Calm down... Now..." He said.

"Yeah, I know... I'll calm down, then I'll try talking to Dream." Night said taking a sip of the lavender tea his partner had made for him.

Horror nodded, happy that his lover had gotten the message. "I make... Food now... You... Call brother... After..." Nightmare smiled. "Sounds like a plan big guy..." He muttered.

Killer blanched between the two before fake retching and leaving to find his own partner to annoy.
"You two are so lovey-dovey!" He yelled as he left, causing Nightmare to snicker.

Horror smiled. "You... Feeling... Better...?" He asked watching his partners smile fade slightly. Nightmare sighed. "I'm just... I'm scared... It's not really a feeling I ever thought I'd feel again..." He confessed to the cannibal. Horror nodded along as he spoke to show that he was listening. "And I know Dream's not my brother, but he doesn't seem to realise that... And I keep fucking shit up and making him feel worst and... After all these years, I don't think I know how to be his brother anymore..." He sighed as he told the other this information. He didn't know what he was doing, he didn't know how to make Dream feel safe around him.
The only thing he seemed able to do was cause a mental breakdown.

He really was the worst brother ever.

Then Horror hit him over the head. "Ow! Hey!" He complained, rubbing the growing bruise on the back of his skull. "No... Talking bad... About... My... Lover!" Horror growled, glaring at him from where he stood. Nightmare blinked, perhaps he said that last part out loud...

"You... Are... Trying... You both... Want to... Fix... This..." He said, "But... You can't... Just quit... Now..." Night stared at his partner in quiet confusion, he had never really said anything about quitting...

"You did... Bad... Things..." Horror continued. "You... Hurt him..." Nightmare winced at the reminder. "But... This is... Not... Unfixable...!" He said. "Can... still... Be there... For him..." Horror nodded as he finished his speech and smiled down at his partner.

Nightmare blinked as he tried to process that. Then smiled at his lover's flawless logic. "Okay, you're right..." He said, "I can still fix this..." Horror nodded and petted his skull again. Happy to help his boss.

They could still fix this...

They had to.

Hey, sorry it's so late/short, I've had a lot of shit going on lately, and some serious fricking writer's block. But I did it! I got this written and published several days after I said I was gonna do it but you know, beggers can't be choosers or whatever the saying is!

If you have any suggestions or ideas for the next chapter please let me know.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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