DADA With The Carrows

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At breakfast, people were staring less at us and minding their own business. I'm glad because I don't know how long I could keep Draco and Theo from losing their shit on them. It's not an easy job.

"I am not looking forward to actually going to class." Theo whines as he grabs food and throws it on his plate.

"Who do you think is teaching defense against the dark arts now if Snape is the headmaster?" Daphne asks, completely ignoring Theo's whining.

"Maybe one of the Carrow twins." Draco answers her. "But I hope not. I heard they're pretty nasty."

"Great, so we'll all be bloody miserable after that class." Blaise rolls his eyes.

"Did you notice the teachers yesterday? They almost looked terrified." I add.

"Yeah.. whatever's going on here, they know about it and it almost looks like they're being held here against their will." Daphne says.

"If the teachers don't even want to be here, what hope do we have?" Astoria asks.

It's true, if the teachers don't think it's safe to be here and would rather not be- how the fuck are we supposed to feel safe? What kind of chance do we have then? Hogwarts is different this year. Everyone can feel it. Even the first years know something's off.

There were no fancy decorations for the sorting ceremony last night, no house flags, no colour. It was almost like Snape is trying to turn this into a prison and not a school. Maybe that's part of Voldemort's plan.

One thing's for sure, everyone was on edge today.

Draco nudges my arm to get my attention after I drift off into my thoughts. When I turn to him, he's smiling and hands me a muffin.

"Thank you." I say as I take it and split it in half. "You want half?"

"Sure." He responds and takes the bottom half of the muffin. Pansy looks at us with an odd expression, questioning us and I couldn't help but laugh at her confusion.

"Do you have something to say Parkinson?" I ask her, raising an eye brow.. daring her to say something.

"I was just wondering when Draco turned into that guy who shares food with his girlfriend."

"Don't be jealous, Parkinson. Just because I never shared food with you doesn't mean I don't do it with Avery." Draco says to her.

"I'm just special." I jokingly say and then imminently hate myself for saying it.

"Whatever." Pansy rolls her eyes at him.

The Slytherins seemed to be the most confident in the entire great hall. The Gryffindors seem confused and the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs seem cautious.

"You know what, maybe this year could be fun." Theo mumbles after he made eye contact with a Ravenclaw first year and they looked away quickly.

"Don't enjoy the power too much Nott." I warn him and he smirks.

"But I've never had the power before and I kind of like it." Theo says confidently. "It can be fun sometimes."

"Okay power hungry Theo. Relax yourself would you?" I tease him and he laughs it off and nods his head.

"What are we doing tonight?" Blaise asks us as we start heading out of the great hall to our first classes.

"Probably same thing as last night. We could add some fire whisky to the mix if you guys want to." Draco suggests.

"Getting drunk on the first day back? I'm down I guess." I add.

"Cool, Blaise.. get the fire whisky for tonight." Draco says to him.

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