Late Night Worries

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Even though the guys all kissed and made up, things didn't really change right away. Of course Blaise and Draco needed to continue keeping their distance from Theo until he was officially a death eater, as Voldemort ordered. At least now we all are on good terms again and I don't have to worry about them anymore.

After the whole fight in the common room, Astoria and Draco got in a huge fight and I've been receiving some pretty nasty glances from her. Astoria agreed to continue with the deal they had before and pretend like they are getting to know each other so their parents will get off of their backs.

Astoria only glares at me from across the room and whispers to her friends when she sees me, Pansy on the other hand has been warning me all week to watch my back. Part of me wants to show her who she's trying to mess with but the other part doesn't give a shit.

Most nights, even after moving into Daphne's room, I can't sleep. Either my mind is racing with thoughts or I just can't fall asleep. Apparently Draco is the same way so around one in the morning, when he gets back from wherever he goes after dinner, the two of sit and talk on the couch until we're both tired enough to sleep.

"Hey stranger." Draco says, entering the common room and coming to sit beside me.

"You're back five minutes early." I say.

"Oh, right. I'll go walk around for five more minutes." He teases.

"Oh shut up and sit down. Don't be a smart ass."

"How was your friday?" he asks me, sitting down beside me on the couch. The fire is especially warm tonight but I'm still under the blanket.

"It was fine I guess. I'm glad tomorrow is Saturday though." I say. "How was yours?"

"Long." He replies.

"At least you can relax a bit tomorrow, right?"

"Not really." he mumbles.

He looks absolutely worn out with the heavy looking bags under his eyes, the paleness of his skin, his hair that hasn't been brushed, and I can even hear the tiredness in his voice.

"Why don't you take tomorrow off, Draco. You look exhausted."

"If I could, I would."

"Why can't you?" I ask. Clearly he needs the day to rest. Why is he being so stubborn?

"I can't..."

"How about you do what you have to do in the morning and after dinner, the two of us hangout and do something relaxing." I propose. He's not getting away with over working himself tomorrow. I don't know what's so important that he has to do, but he can take a break after dinner.

"I don't know."

"Draco please, the only time we get to hangout is in the middle of the night because I've been busy catching up with school and you're off doing whatever it is you do."

He softly smiles at me before agreeing to hangout with me after dinner tomorrow.

"You miss me that much, eh?" He asks, smirking.

"Sure, we'll go with that." I tease. "We both know you miss me more."

"How are things going with your new roommate? Do we like her better?"

"Yes, I like her a lot better." I reply. "She's actually pretty cool."

"Yeah, you two are a lot alike." Draco admits.

"I got that. She's much more fun than the other two you hangout with." I joke.

"If I had the choice, I probably wouldn't hangout with Astoria. Maybe Pansy but definitely not Astoria."

"You like Pansy?"

"She's fun to be around. You only know her as Astoria's best friend but when Astoria isn't around she's really fun."

"I'll have to meet this other side of her sometime." I say. "Do your parents know how much you do not like Astoria?"

"I've voiced my dislike for her but they really do not care."

"They should at least consider your feelings if they must force you to marry someone."

"You'd think they would but you know how they are. There's a lot of pressure as well from the dark lord."

"Of course he'd have something to do with that."

"Yeah, life got pretty fucked up."

"That's one way to put it." I say, picking at my fingernails which is something I do when I'm anxious.

"Are you okay?" Draco asks, grabbing my hands.

"I'm- yeah."

"Talk to me."

"I'm okay now but I was so lonely when I went to the other school. Having no contact with you guys sucked."

"We're here now." Draco gently says.

"I know but all Voldemort has to do is give you orders and you won't be able to speak to me." I say. "I don't want to lose you guys again. I- I can't."

'You won't lose us again. I promise you that no one could force me to leave you."


"Yes, I promise."

"Okay... I should try and get some sleep now."

"Alright." Draco says. We both stand up and start heading towards the stairs.

"Good night, Draco." I whisper. He wraps his arms around me tightly and at first, I just stood there but after a moment I hug him back. I feel him kiss the top of my head and then he let's go of me.

"Good night. If you need me, just come to my room okay?" Draco softly whispers to me.

"I'm okay, I promise. Good night Draco."

"Night." he says one last time before letting me go up to my room.

I slowly walk to mine and Daphne's room and enter quietly. Looking at Daphne's bed, I let out a breath when I realized she's asleep. I crawl into my bed without even bothering to change and all of it hits when my head hits that pillow. The tears begin streaming down my face but I hold my breath so that Daphne doesn't hear me. I don't need her asking questions because I don't want to talk.

The thought of the boys being ordered not to speak to me, breaks my heart. I lost them because our parents didn't agree on something and look at what it did to us. I can't lose them again.

Theo is my best friend in the whole world. The two of us always have each other's backs. We both have a lot of darkness in us and we can't deal with it all alone. There's a lot of childhood trauma that we have, not just the two of us have child trauma of cours. That's something we all have but Theo and I deal with it in a different way than Draco and Blaise do.

Draco has always been that friend that when one of us are hurt, we have fun. We go out and cause some trouble or just have fun for however long it takes to make us feel better. One time, Draco and his father got in a huge fight over something and Lucius hit him. Darco came over to my house and the two of us went out and didn't come back for a week. We got a hotel room a week and it was probably one of the best weeks of our lives.

Blaise is like an overprotective brother to me. When we were all spending the night at Draco's house and Draco and I were arguing the entire night over something so stupid that I can't even remember it now.

Anyway, the argument got a little out of hand and Draco said some nasty things to me that he didn't mean. Blaise got in his face and told him to chill the fuck out and then took me to another room and told me not to listen to anything he says. Blaise has always been the one who would fight anyone for me, and sometimes even for Theo.

The thought of losing them scares me more than becoming a death eater.

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