The Carrows

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The next morning at breakfast, Theo walks beside me and he's still quite upset after last night. We had to walk by the table where Luna is seated to get to the Slytherin table. Everyone knows something happened when Theo doesn't smile at her like he normally would but no one asks. Not until we're past her table anyway.

"Okay, would you two like to fill the rest of us in on what happened last night?" Draco asks when we reach our usual spot.

I look to Theo because I'm not going to say anything unless he's ready. It's not my place to tell everyone. He takes a deep breathe and nods his head.

"Luna ended things with me because somehow she saw my mark and now she thinks I'm a horrible person who hates muggle borns and anyone who isn't pure blood. "Theo says.

There was a moment of silence after and then Draco stands up. Theo grabs his arm and pulls him back down.

"Please don't go over there. It'll just make thing worse." Theo begs him but of course, Draco's too over protective to listen to him say don't do anything.

"Nott, she's clearly not worth it if she really thinks you're anything like our parents. I'm going over there to tell her that she's stupid. You can stay here if you want but I'm going over there because she's so very wrong." Draco says as he pulls away from Theo and starts walking to the Gryffindor table where Luna is sitting with Ginny and Neville.

Blaise, Theo and I stand up and follow him after mumbling, "shit."

Pansy, Daphne and Astoria stay back because this could get messy... and they know not to get in Draco's way when he's pissed. And right now, he's very pissed.

The moment we got close to the Gryffindor table, Neville was standing protectively in front of the girls and already telling us to get lost. Draco wasn't having it today though.

"I'm not here to start a fight with you, Longbottom so sit down and let me say what I need to say." Draco demands. Neville looks past him at me, Theo and Blaise and then sits down. "Good choice." Draco says.

"Draco, come on. It really doesn't matter-" Theo began but was stopped.

"I heard that you ended things with my friend here because for some reason, you think he's a muggle born hating git." Draco says directly to Luna. Ginny's eyes widen and Neville looks at Luna in shock. So she didn't tell her friends?

"I can't be with someone who would do that." Luna says to Draco.

"He didn't do anything." Draco says firmly. "Did you even give him a chance to explain? I bet you didn't, because if you did you would know that everything you said to him was fucking wrong."

"What's he going on about Luna?" Ginny asks her friend.

"Oh, you didn't even tell your friends?" Draco asks her. His voice is now echoing the entire great hall. "Bloody hell."

"Malfoy, people are staring now.." Theo says awkwardly. "Can we just go?"

"No, what she did wasn't right and she should at least know she made a mistake." Draco says. "Would you please come with me? I'd like to show you something."

"I-" Luna began but Ginny cut her off.

"She's not going anywhere alone with you four."

"You two can come with her, I couldn't care less." Draco says. "But you should come now."

"What do you have to show us that you can't show us here?" Neville asks us.

"Luna knows." is all Draco says. Luna's eyes widen but she reluctantly nods and stands up. The three of them plus the three of us follow Draco out of the room and behind an old stair case. No one dared to say a word. Theo was holding my arm as we walked beside Draco, Blaise on the other side of him and the three of them behind us.

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