Ungrateful Wake-up Call

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''Cassidy, wake up.''

I jolted up from where I was lying. ''Turn off the lights!'' I hissed.

''No lights are on.'' My eyes opened ever so slowly that  it hurt.

''You good?'' Jackie asked.


We were still in the dining room where I'd passed out.

''I notified Mel. She's on her way with Don.''

''I thought Mel was the one running this whole thing? Wasn't she right outside.''

''No. She was at the base, I was waiting outside with the guards.''

''Where are the guards?'' I asked looking around, confused as to why just Jackie was here. I'd been told if anything went wrong, Mel and Don would be the first to know. But my safety was left in the hands of Jackie? Mel's in for it now.

''O-outside. I'm so sorry Cass.'' Melissa explained as she walked in, panic written all over her face.

''Don't Cass me. The name's Cassidy to all of you. None of you are my family and I don't have friends. Therefore, you're co-workers. No one calls me Cass.'' I spit.

''Well, Cassidy, we've been 'co-workers' for years! You are my friend, like it or not.'' Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes.

''Get out.''

''You're hur-''

''Now.'' Mel stared at me with a hurt look in her eyes before whipping her red hair, and stomping off.

''Mel's the only family you've got Cassidy. Don't push her away.'' Don growled before turning and following after the red-haired girl.

''I called Barry already. He'll be here any minute.''

''And where are you going?''

''Home. Don will be running after Mel, he's her father figure so he's gonna go cheer her up.''

''Okay? Wha-''

'' That includes leaving me home alone. That's the only time I can get anything done. When's he's home-''

''I don't care. Barry's on his way?'' Her face turned emotionless, although I could see a flicker of anger from my attitude towards her.


''Okay. Go.. do whatever you were rambling about.'' I waved my hand to dismiss her. She huffed and jogged out the marble door.

''Miss Cassidy?''

''Barry. Start the car.'' I demanded. He nodded quickly and disappeared. Trying to stand, my legs lost balance and I met the ground again. ''Okay legs. You're gonna be difficult?'' I asked the parts of my body that couldn't respond. ''Jerks. No respect in this mafia. None.''

After a couple more minutes of acting like a complete child and finally standing up straight, I walked out to the car. Barry was scrolling through his phone.

''See? No. Respect.'' My blood boiled seeing him so relaxed and acting as though nothing had happened. I had a huge bruise on my head from my fall and my walk resembled that of a penguin. I wobbled from the dizziness that currently resided in my head.

''Miss Cassidy.'' He mumbled when he saw me out of the corner of his eye. He fumbled with his phone, set it aside, and got out of the car as fast as he could.

''Door.'' I stated.

''Yes, of course ma'am.''



''Do you have any openings today?''

''Jerry's currently in a meeting but he'll be out in about ten minutes.''

''Okay, I'm about thirty minutes. Set up a meeting for..'' I glanced at the clock. ''2:30.''

''Yes ma'am. All set.''

I nodded to myself and hung up the phone.

''Base #3 Barry.''

''Yes Miss.''

We passed sign after sign. They all read turn around. Danger. Guard dog on duty. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

The only thing anyone ever needed to worry about here was the smell of men who never showered and worked all day.

''We are here.'' I looked up from my thinking and saw the cream colored mansion sitting ten foot from the car. I looked up and noticed the rose symbol in each other windows.

''Park somewhere. I'll be out in ten minutes.''

''Of course Miss.''

I stepped onto the grand staircase, catching a glimpse of brown and white fur.

''Diego!'' I shouted as the ninety-pound fur ball plowed me to the ground. ''How are you bud?''

''Naughty as always.'' A voice chuckled.

''Good to see you, Jerry.''

The blonde stepped forward. ''And the same to you, as always.'' He rolled his eyes. I never liked Jerry, there was always something about him.. but he did a good job for Rosa so I decided to keep him around. We stepped inside the base, leaving the 'guard dog' behind, whining.


sorry for a shorter chapter!

please please please let me know how you like the story and any suggestions you may have!!!

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