Costume Shopping

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chapter 20! woo hoo!

After the confession and my brain was filled new details of this whole mess, I really took Mel's last words into consideration.

After all, that might have been my mistake all along.

Had I not been careful enough?

Who could, and couldn't, be trusted?

I had no idea. And it was driving me insane.

Today, I had decided to lock myself in my room, watch cheesy Disney movies, and eat all the food I wanted.

I wasn't sad, just confused. Do I tell James? Do I give Andrea the mafia? Or do I turn over Noah to keep the Noir Rose?

There was a knocking on my door just about when the maiden was just about to find out he was the prince.


''Jeez, what's going on in here?'' Mel wondered aloud, opening the door and cruelly interrupting the most suspenseful part of the movie.

''You ruined it!'' I exclaimed way too over-dramatically.


''She was just about to find out!''

''Find what out?''

''That he was the prince!''

She smirked. ''Are you seriously watching Cinderella?''

''Yup, the non-animated one.'' I replied cheerily.

Her smile dropped and she stepped closer. ''Hey.. are we okay?''

''What do you mean?''

''With this whole Audrey-being-my-sister thing and me-being-a-spy ?''

''Yeah of course. I don't hold a grudge.''

''Yeah, cause we both know that's not true.'' I cracked a smile and... hit her with a pillow.

She giggled and ran to grab another.

After a full-on war, feathers lightly coated the carpet, but we still couldn't contain our laughter. We settled down eventually and sat on the edge of my bed.

''Are you gonna tell James?''

''Not unless you want me to.''

''Thanks Fancy.''

''No problem.''

She left the room after finishing the movie with me and I continued my binge of cringey shows. Halfway through Tangled, I got a text from an unknown #.

not known: outside, now.

cass: who is this?

not known: o.u.t.s.i.d.e.

I looked out my window, expecting to see James since I didn't have his number in my phone.

But I saw no one. Wind ruffled the trees softly and the chilly fall day was beautiful.

''Hey, Cassy?''

A strangled yelp came from my throat as I jerked my head to see who called my name.

I caught the head of familiar hair and said, ''Hey buddy. What's up?''

''Are you okay?''

''Yes Noah. What do you need?''

''It's almost Halloween. My favorite time of year. I was wondering... can you take me shopping to find the perfect costume?''

''Of course.'' My eyes softened. ''When?''

''Can we go right now? I don't want them to be all gone.''

''Sure, give me a few minutes to change and I'll be right out.''

He nodded and left. Not only does he love Halloween, his birthday is the 30th, so he wants to celebrate on the day of Halloween.

I rummaged through my closet and threw on the first cute outfit I saw. Black jeans and a white crop top. Deciding there was no point in changing my hair from it's messy bun, I threw on my air force 1s and ran out the door.

Noah was already shouting for me to hurry up or 'they'll all be gone!'.

''I'm coming, I'm coming.'' I replied, rolling my eyes.

Barry pulled out of the driveway. ''Where to Mr. Noah?''

''Party City!''

Barry laughed. ''Yes sir.''


Twenty minutes later, the car barely stopped before Noah was up and out of the car.

''Noah wait!''

He turned and stopped. ''Hurry up!''

''Thanks Barry.''

He chuckled. ''Anytime Miss. But you might want to hurry.''

He pointed to a disheveled Noah, torn between leaving me and running to the store, or waiting an extra five seconds.

''Yeah, you're probably right.'' I closed the door and jogged to catch up to him.

I've been sitting here for at least an hour, listening to Noah debate the pros and cons of every. single. costume.

he brought over a pirate costume and a dinosaur.

''Which one?''

''Noah, I don't know. They're all great.''

He gave me a disapproving look. Shaking his head and sighing, he walked back to the wall covered from head to toe in onesies.

After what felt like two hours, he finally found the perfect costume. A minion. Yes, it took him forever  to find a minion.

I took him to the Burger King across the street and bought him lunch.

''What do you want?''

Being a stubborn little kid, he stomped his feet.


''Noah, they have fries and chicken nuggets just like McDonalds.''

''But it's not as good!''

''Hello. What can I get for you today?''

''I'll take a burger, nothing on it.''

''Okay, and how about for you little guy?''

''I want McDonalds.''

The cashier smiled. ''This is Burger King, but we have good stuff too.'' He said softly.

''Like what?''

''We our chicken nuggets are pretty good. And the fries.''



''Okay. I'll have those.''

''You got it.'' I told Noah to go play on the playground while I paid and got a table.

''Thank you. You're a miracle worker.'' I mumbled to the cashier.

''Nah, just a part of the job.''

I thanked him again and found a table for me and Noah.

After we ate, I called Barry.


''Where are you?''

''Pulling around the corner right now.''


We went outside and waited for the car to come into sight.


kinda a boring chapter, sorry

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