Chapter 3 - "Sweet little 13?"

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"It's that all you got (n/n)~" Noya said tauntingly, "oh no you don't" You replied while ducking behind a black structure. You were currently playing laser tag in the arcade with some of your friends from school along with your senpais; today was your birthday and to say you were ecstatic was an understatement. You were having a lot of fun, even though Tenma wasn't present because he claimed to have practice, you didn't really mind since your mom was making a dinner for both families so you'll just see him there. That day you realized you liked video games a lot, and it would be something you would like to try.

The evening passed rapidly while you had a good time and pretty soon it was time for dinner, so naturally everyone had to go back home, the walk there was fast although it started raining but luckily you had an umbrella. You began approaching the house and could see the balloons your mom had put up through the window.

As you open the door you were attacked by two people engulfing you in a tight hug, "I can't believe your thirteen now" Tenma's mother says, "I know right?, she's becoming a woman now" you sigh "ugh guys~ stop it, its not a big deal" you pull out of the hug and go greet your mom, after this everyone says the usual 'happy birthday' to you, while moving to the dinning table.

As soon as you sit down you realize that one person is missing, "where is Tenma-kun?" you voice out your thoughts, "oh he's supposed to get here in five minutes" his dad answered, "he said he had something important to do, I hope he didn't get caught by the rain" you mentally sigh, and start eating the food your mom kindly put on the table.

After about twenty minutes you hear the doorbell and run towards the door at full speed knowing full well who it is, but when you open the door you don't find what you were expecting at all..

It certainly was Tenma, but the thing is that he was not alone. Right beside him was what you would describe by a first glance as an old man, "hi" says your neighbor with a closed-eye smile while rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, "uhm, hi?" you replay even though it sounded more like a question, "happy birthday young lady" it's the old mans turn to speak up, "eh thank you.. sorry i don't know your name ojin" Tenma turns cold when you call the old man 'ojin' (gramps), but thankfully for him the latter starts laughing "I see why Udai-kun likes you so much, but no need for formalities young one call me Ukai".

Later, you came to find out Ukai Ikkei was your dear Tenma-kuns coach, and when he heard from his student that it was your birthday he didn't hesitate to give the young Udai a ride back home (as it was raining). Ukai had heard from you a lot of times from Tenma even though he never met you himself. After the awkward introduction by the door, you invited both to come in and resume the "festivities", your mother alongside the Udais were delighted that Ukai was there.

The cake arrived soon after, your wish was pretty obvious (for Tenma to reciprocate your feelings, and you also wished to be the best libero.. also to be expected). And just like that the evening was near it's end; saying goodbyes was next in order, first to Ukai and soon after to Tenmas family.

"Bye bye birthday girl, don't miss me too much kay?" you sigh "yeah yeah I'm pretty tired just go" it didn't go unnoticed by the dark haired boy the slightly annoyed tone in your voice, and he quickly guessed you were displeased by his tardiness as well as the lack of a gift.

You felt bad for feeling this way towards him but you really were expecting even the bare minimum for your special day, sometimes it really was exasperating having feelings for Tenma because you constantly thought about him and his opinion of you, which subsequently made you overwhelmed and most of the time it was accompanied by an unnecessary headache that would stick with you for a couple of hours, so in times like these you needed to remind yourself that he's just your friend.

Although.. contrary to your thoughts as you raise your head to examine his face, you find a cocky smirk painting his features, which makes you give him a confused look, "I really am hurt you think I forgot about your gift princess" you widen your eyes at this and look away, "no need to be mad about it" he laughs while you redden profusely, "but seriously I am a bit hurt" you look back to him apologetic "I'm sorry Tenma-kun, I know you would never forget" he sighs but grins slightly "damn straight" you smile back, "here" he says as he takes out a little box from his back pocket, "the wrapper is a little wet from the rain but it should be fine" as you open it you gasp in amazement, it was a beautifully crafted bracelet with two charms: a crown and a volleyball. "happy birthday princess" you welled up in tears as you latched yourself onto him, hugging him tight. You stayed like that for a while, mumbling a quick thank you every now and then. That is until he started stroking your hair which you decidedly thought was too much for you and the ragging butterflies in your belly. Parting from the hug he gives you a pat in the head and turns to leave.

"Goodnight kid" he says while walking back to his house, and just like that you sadden a bit, you were hoping that after your birthday he would see you as a woman, well maybe not a woman but a girl would do just fine, not a kid though because that just meant that's all you are in his eyes, which you obviously did not want to be.


(A/n): PLEASE DONT KILL ME!!!! I deeply apologize to all of you reading the story, the wait was long as hell and it is not okay, again I'm sorry. To be brief I just didn't have the time and also wasn't up for it, I'm also human lol shocker. I'm sorry again and love you guys! Always thankful for the support! Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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