Chapter 4 - "Relationships"

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"I SAID HE'S MY ROBLOX BOYFRIEND, seriously are you deaf or something damn"


It's been a two months since your birthday and you see Tenma pretty much every day. Although everything seemed normal there was a 'glitch' in your so called dynamic, for starters Tenma was acting a bit strange as of late and you could not quite put your finger on what was wrong. To be fair you were also partly at fault for the change in dynamic, not purposefully so but training and the new hobby you picked up after your birthday contributed to the fact.

It basically started after you realized you liked to play video games a lot after that day in the arcade, so you asked your parents for a console as present, along with some games to play. At first obviously you weren't very good at any of them as to be expected but the more you played the more experience you got. After a while you were actually considerably good in a few games and later adopted the name 'CutiePie' as a handle. Also you made a few friends from playing and Tenma would join you too on rare occasions. You mostly interacted with a boy whose handle was 'ApplePie', obviously what first caught your attention was the fact that he/they/etc was fond of the delicious dessert too, so immediately you approached the stranger on Roblox and asked to be their 'Roblox gf', the guy whose name you would know now to be Kozume Kenma agreed, seemingly for the same reasons you asked.

Beside bonding with Kenma (he asked you to call him by his first name, and naturally you did the same) over a few games, you also started volunteering at a day care and started teaching volley to little kids. So ultimately with that and school, plus team practices your schedule was full.

You always found time for Tenma though, and that is precisely why right now you are on your way to Karasuno. After your birthday 'old man Ukai' had asked you to come watch a few practices, even though you only made it once you appreciated the gesture. But this time was different because Tenma himself had asked you to come, he seemed adamant about the fact that you needed to be there, and actually seemed nervous for some reason you couldn't quite decipher yet. So here you were bouncing with each step you took as you neared Karasuno High School.

Already knowing the way, you approached the gym the boys team used to practice in. As you were walking you were fiddling with your fingers, trying to calm down the nervousness you felt, 'why am I so nervous? I've been here before, everything is going to be okay' you thought.

Flashback from the first time you went to watch the boys practice..

Back at your house along with Tenma you were playing COD, "NO NO NOT AGAIN" Tenma yelled while you giggled at him, "Tenma-kunn~ i don't think you're good at this game" he grew an irk-mark at your teasing, "yeah this dude is trash" you heard Kozume say through the headset, "why are we playing with him again?" he continued and Tenma glared, "(y/n) your boyfriend is being mean to me.. AGAIN" you dismissed him with a laugh, "calm down and also he's my ROBLOX boyfriend don't be jelly, besides he is not wrong so" he grew more irritated and checked the time, "well either way is time for me to go to practice, wanna come watch?" he announced, you sighed and said goodbye to Kenma through the mic, "sounds good!" you exclaimed excitedly, to be fair you were really curious to meet his teammates and most importantly the managers, of course he didn't need to know that.

And that's the day you met the Karasuno boys volleyball team, everyone was really nice and you were happy that Tenma was in such a great team. Although you didn't get to meet the managers that day, you had a lot of fun joining practice and learning from the teams libero.

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