Chapter 5 - "Jelly sticks and volleyball"

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"SEE I TOLD YOU, your bangs look stupid nii-san~"


"Nii-san I think those jelly sticks are making you fat, look you crashed into her and now she's crying" the little girl beside the boy said with a deadpan expression "aimi-chan!" the boy remarked with an irk mark, "I'm sorry again" finally you turned to look at the boy and his sister, "n- no no I'm sorry i was running *sniff* a- an- and I wasn't looking either, I- I'm okay sorry f- *sniff* for troubling you" you were embarrassed about the whole thing, even more so after looking at the boy in the eyes, he had dark brown hair with a middle part and greenish/yellow eyes, he was really cute so you blushed and looked away, he proceeded o put his hand in front of you, looking around confused you then realized you were still on the floor, you took his hand and mumbled a quick 'thank you' while trying to wipe away the tears that were still on your cheeks. "Here stranger-san take a jelly stick it will make you feel better, sorry about my nii-san" now it was her brothers turn to hold a deadpan expression, you munched on the stick and bowed quickly "I'm sorry again but I have to go, I need to get to Aichi Primary" the boy perked up at this which made you look at him weird "uhm we're going there too, if you want we can walk together" he said with a nonchalant tone you sighed, but nonetheless agreed.

"My name is Suna Aimi and this my nii-san, Suna Rintarō, what's your name stranger-san?" the girl asked as you made your way to the school, "I'm Kosuke (y/n), it's nice to meet you both" you smiled, "why are you going to a primary school Kosuke-san, aren't you a bit too old for that?" the boy smirked teasingly, Aimi huffed "nii-san! You need to be more respectful, don't be so nosy" you giggled at their dynamic, "it's fine Aimi-chan. I'm going because I volunteer as a coach for volleyball there, besides I'm assuming we're the same age so don't you have better things to do than babysit your little sister?" it was now your turn to smirk, "she got you there nii-san" she laughed at her brothers expense "I like you already Kosuke-san" she gave you a grin, "yeah you're alright I guess" shrugged Suna, turning away so you couldn't see the small smile beginning to form on his features.

You guys walked for about eight minutes enjoying light conversation, overall what you gathered from the interaction was that Suna was a really chill guy, sometimes blunt, but who enjoyed a little gossip and banter, while Aimi was more loud and outgoing not so nonchalant in behavior compared to her sibling but still liked berating her brother, their dynamic was amusing to say the least and truthfully you were grateful for the distraction they provided, your heart didn't feel so heavy anymore and you felt like you could breath just fine. Of course that was because you were keeping busy, deep down you knew that the moment you were alone and left to your thoughts all the pain would come crashing back down.

We arrived at our destination and made our way to the yard where there classes were going to take place, as it turns out Aimi-chan was one of the new students. Suna made his way to the sidelines, and meanwhile you and his sister greeted the rest of the kids as well as the head coach, after that practice finally started. You divided the kids into groups for warm ups and thirty minutes later you assigned them to two different groups, the net was already set up for the game so you just positioned the kids and yourself in the court.

The game was really fun, and the kids seem to have enjoyed it, funny enough midway through Suna decided to join, and turns out he was pretty good, he played as a middle blocker which made sense because of his hight. Overall the afternoon was spent with laughter and you were content with that. As you recounted the events of today in your head you started to zone out without realizing that a voice was calling your name, "(y/n)!" Suna said louder this time, and you jumped putting a hand on your chest "you scared me little asshole" he laughed "not my fault, I called your name like seven times" you looked down embarrassed "really? I guess I zoned out hehe" you said rubbing the back of your neck, "anyways what's up? I thought you had already left, practice is over" he looked away "yeah I know, it's just that Aimi-chan wanted me to ask if you wanted to come with us for some meat buns?" you sighed shaking your head "I'm sorry Suna I think I'll pass, I'm really tired" he shrugged and said "all right" you heard little steps approaching you quickly "(y/n)-channn~ pretty please come with us, it's Rintarōs treat! And we can walk you home after" Aimi gave you puppy dog eyes "okay fineee, but only because it's your treat" sighing you heard Suna mumbling something along the lines of "sure imoto just make my pockets hurt will you" making you giggle and turn back to him "thanks Rin-kun~" you said with a closed eye smile which made Suna blush profusely at the nickname.

With that you made your way to the store that was fairly near the primary school, as well as your house. Suna entered and got three meat buns, one for each of you (and obviously some jelly sticks too), he suggested to eat while walking towards your home which you wholeheartedly agreed on, to be honest this day was draining and you needed some sleep.

Whilst walking Aimi got ahead of you guys just munching on her treat and looking at things here and there. "So" Suna said a little absentmindedly "so.." you continued confused, "I know it's not my place to ask but why were you crying? Back when we met I mean" you were kind of expecting the question, even though you just met him he seemed almost concerned about you, genuinely, and that in itself made you happy because for you it meant that he also felt the same 'click' you did with him, he was so easygoing and therefore easy to talk to which made you bond with him so quickly, "uhm, I don't know how to say this" you sighed trying to find the words "basically I've been in love for the longest time with my best friend, but he's like three years older and also now has a girlfriend kinda" you were afraid to look at his face as you said this, feeling like he was going to judge you because of the age difference and all, he stopped walking making you nervous "hey look at me" you turned slowly, "first thanks for telling me, I'm sorry about his girlfriend, but second I know we just met but you are an amazing person and it shows, so jokes on him for not seeing it" your eyes widened in shock "Suna this is the first time I hear you talk so many words" you said almost laughing "oh shut up, also don't make me do it again it's tiring" now you were both full on laughing, "hey- hey what are we laughing about I wanna know too" Aimi had finally slowed down and now was beside her brother, "is it my brothers bangs?, I told him they looked stupid" that made you laugh even harder "yep totally that" Suna turned to you with a look of betrayal "seriously you too?!" Aimi was giggling at this. And so the way home was filled with giggles and a mad Suna.

Arriving at home you said your goodbyes to the pair and thanked them for walking you all the way here as well as for the meat bun. Opening the door shouting a quick 'I'm home' to your parents you dashed to your room and got ready for bed, after that you were out like a light to say the least, thankful that the sad thoughts in the back of your head didn't come to bother you to a sleepless night.

"Come on Aimi-chan we need to get make it to the train station in time" Suna hurried his imoto, "why can't mom pick us up like always?" he sighed "she has work today I've already told you this" she yawned drowsily, "I like (y/n)-chan she's nice" he smiled a bit "yeah", he looked around (y/n)s neighborhood wondering who could be the boy that broke her heart.

After a bit he scoffed shaking his head at the thought, he quickly made a double take turning to his sister realizing that she was not by his side anymore, frantically looking he found her returning a volleyball to a young boy, he had dark hair, and even though he was short in hight he seemed a few years older than himself, "uhm excuse me you dropped your ball" the boy turned to Aimi and gave her a smile "thank you little one" he replied, Suna observed him up and down, then squinting his eyes he looked at his shirt, "hey are you from the Karasuno volleyball team?" Suna asked aloud, the boy looked down at his shirt rubbing the back of his neck "hehe yeah" Suna shrugged, "cool" he doesn't even know why he asked the question or took interest in the stranger but something was telling him this was the dude (y/n) was talking about. Without much more talk the stranger parted and the siblings made their way back home.


(A/n): heyyyy guys hope you liked the chapter!! I really did try to stick to Sunas personality as to not make him OC ish, I hope I succeeded and also that's why he's so chill and like nonchalant and everything, basically that's all. Thanks again for all the support and comments I really do appreciate them, hope ure liking the story.
Lots of love :)

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