Careful Control and Specific Demands

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Chapter Five

Careful Control and Specific Demands

The next morning.

              Aang concentrated on his breath. A simple task taught to him by the monks, ingrained in his mind as a small child, fundamental to his airbending training, now almost too difficult to bear as the world around him woke up. He’d open his eyes periodically to see birds flitting between the slim branches of the surrounding trees. Their songs sounded like screams in the static anxiety that charged through the air.

              Nothing stopped to pay attention to the tragedy he was experiencing. The sun rose as always, the birds sang as always, and he sat in the lotus position out in the meditation pavilion as always. Routine proved to be his worst enemy. The more he struggled in vain to escape the reality of his circumstances, the more he could feel the universe pressing down on his shoulders.

              Again, he breathed with slow control, focusing on the waves far below him.

              The air around him shifted into the peaceful change he longed for. His lungs embraced the relaxed air, allowing peace to wash over him. He opened his eyes slowly the way a person wakes up after sleeping in on Saturday morning.  

              He saw the bright blue expanse of the sky and felt the warmth of the sun welcome him to the sanctuary his mind created. Turning his head to the side, he saw the ocean crawling slowly up the shore, extending its arm to lead him in, but he was just out of reach. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of tropical trees behind him, hushing his mind and joining the voice of the water.

              Aang found the strength to sit upright. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as his eyes found Katara standing in the water. She was younger, her body not yet marked by age, her eyes still bright with wonder rather than dulled by experience. She moved with fluid grace. She and the water moved with each other, sharing the same soul. Two parts of one being danced together perfectly, unaware of his admiration.

              Closing his eyes, his mind filled with vivid memories of travelling the world with her. They were two parts of one whole. It was simpler to balance the world when Katara was with him to share the burden. But how long ago had he traded the one who meant the world to him for the stress of a world that never seemed to stay at rest.

              “Aang!” Katara’s voice interrupted his thoughts. He opened his eyes again. She smiled brightly at him and motioned for him to join her in the water. “Come swim with me!”

              As he stood, he realized that he was younger as well. Lanky limbs did their best to stand with grace in the sand and he chuckled at his efforts.

              “Come on, Aang! The water is wonderful!” Katara called to him again and began to go farther from shore.

              He took another deep breath in, thanking the spirits for another chance to simply be with Katara. He took another glance down the shore to experience the beauty around him too. He turned the opposite for just a second to look at the trees behind him, sheltering the beach.

              When he turned back, Katara was gone.

              Panic gripped his heart as he searched for her. He screamed her name as loud as he could. The once tranquil sea turned violent and swallowed his voice. He started to run out to the thrashing waves. Just before he set foot into the water, the ocean dried up in front of him.

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