| jealousy |

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stella and dream had spend hours on the phone talking about how fucked up it was that people were accusing dream of horrible things.

both of them spoke their part of twitter then deleted the app.

caleb had called to check in a few times but stella never answered.

to caught up in her own bullshit.

stella had purchased her ticket to florida and had about 2 weeks before her flight. december 11 to december 28. they would be in florida for 17 days.

stella and elliot had been alone for a little over a week because their dads were in hawaii for a wedding.

stella was mainly alone due to elliot staying at their grandparents house.

the door bell rang and stella groaned, "hold on dream" she spoke leaving her room.

rushing down the flight of stairs and to the door opening it seeing caleb standing there.

"hi caleb" stella spoke hugging the boy.

"i thought you were dead" caleb laughed wrapping his arms around them.

"sorry i've been dealing with all of the bullshit with twitter" stella explained.

"i get it love, dont worry about it" caleb smiled hugging them again. caleb followed the girl upstairs.

"hey dream so ranboo's here so ill text you later?" stella asked, "yeah ofc, HI RANBOO" dream yelled through the phone.

"HI DREAM" caleb yelled back laughing.

"okay bye green man" stella laughed, "bye stella love you" dream wheezed, "love you too" stella spoke hanging up.

caleb and stella cuddled up on stella's bed watching christmas movies.

"hey erm- can we talk about something?" stella asked. "yeah of course" caleb smiled sitting up.

"im going to florida for christmas" stella started.

"oh-" caleb felt his eyes water a bit.

"dream offered a bit ago, and so did tommy and so much was going on i forgot to tell you" stella began rambling.

caleb was barely listening, his eyes watered and he wanted to break down.

he wanted nothing more then spending christmas with the girl he loved and now she was leaving.

he was heartbroken.

stella looked up and saw caleb crying, "no- no- dont cry please i'm sorry" stella hugged him.

"its fine" caleb spoke wiping his tears.

caleb was still completely heart broken that they hadn't told him sooner.

he had a whole thing planned for the couple and now she would be gone for it and he would be alone.

about an hour later, caleb drove back home and stella sat on her bed in tears.

she knew she had hurt him and there was nothing they could do about it.

without thinking twice she knew she needed to text tommy and tell him. before it was to late.

tommy :)

hey tom
so i can't
come to brighton for

i am flying
down to florida
and staying
with sapnap and dream

i should have told you
sooner so im sorry :(

i love you
and hope you're
not upset.

i love you too

im not upset
it sucks but we'll
see each other again
before too long

i miss you so so
so so so much
but its not the end
of the world

im also so mad
at twitter bc
of everything that
is going on

a lot of us stopped
streaming for a bit
due to chat being negative

so we all love you

dont stop
streaming bc of me
and dream

we've got it handled

i love you
and miss you too

RANBOOBUTNOT IS LIVE : late night stream, just talking

stella clicked on ranboo's stream as his starting stream screen was up.

she waited patiently scrolling through instagram on her phone. her laptop opened on their boyfriend's stream.

"hello everyone" he greeted.

facecam off, which wasnt to surprising, he opened the smp and began playing.

"sorry guys- im not doing great today" he spoke. it broke stella's heart knowing it was their fault.

a dono rang, "how are you and stella doing?" the dono asked.

"yeah- we are- still together" he spoke.

stella's eyes burned and tears streamed down her red cheeks. her nose stuffy and her phone rang.

it was dream.

"hey dream-" stella started, "stella- im so sorry" he began. "what for?" stella asked wiping their eyes.

"im watching his stream too" he sounded sincere.

"oh- yeah its nothing, dont worry about it" she muttered. "okay- well i love you" clay told them. "i love you too clay" stella spoke again.


sad boo and sad bae, very sad :(

i also might have covid so yk might update more often :)

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