Love Me Well

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After the week we had, we need fluff and I'm serving it up. Hang in their Surrera stans. Despite my Twitter breakdown earlier this week, I really do believe they are endgame and going to be fine. Cheers to just 19 days left 'til our faves return to us! XO, Reddixon

"I could have driven if you'd just tell me where we're going." Robert said as he took a glance at his wife from the passenger seat. Music in the background, they were coasting down I-5 South on a sunny spring day. Late April in Seattle could be hit or miss. Either it was gorgeous, with trees growing green and flowers in bloom or it was raining. Today was one of those rare days... clear skies, low sixties. Not warm per-say, but comfortable enough for only a light jacket.

"And ruin your surprise?" Andy said with a mischievous grin, her eyes dancing in delight behind her sunglasses. "Not a chance. Just relax and enjoy the ride."

Robert rolled his eyes a bit and replied, "You do realize telling someone to relax almost never actually makes them relax."

Things in the world had finally started to settle, after Maya had been relieved of duty, much to Andy's initial dismay Robert had been re-installed as Captain. It had been bumpy between them at first to say the least. Tensions after the announcement and in the days to follow had been the worst they'd ever been between the married couple, but it had also been the catalyst for the important conversations they needed to have, a recommitment to each other and the love they shared and also what caused them to reach out and get support. It also didn't hurt that Chief McCallister told 19 they likely would have been closed instead of Station 23 if Robert hadn't made a compelling case to keep them open. Several months later, 19 was no longer in the Chief's crosshairs and after months of leading 19 successfully, Robert had just gotten his job back as Battalion Chief and promoted Andy to Captain. Their marriage was stronger than it ever had been and Andy couldn't believe life got to be this good.

She shrugged her shoulders a bit. "It's really a little weird that you'll trust me to drive a million dollar fire engine, but are concerned about me behind the wheel of my own vehicle."

"It's not about trust. I just like to drive." Robert noted. And it wasn't. He didn't worry about whether or not his wife could handle herself behind the wheel of any vehicle...but he was old school. Chivalrous. In his mind, a man drove and it wasn't about some weird toxic masculinity, but a desire to protect and take care of the one you loved. It was also slightly true that he was a bit of a control freak...but that wasn't the point.

Andy laughed lightly. "You just like control." Robert gave her a look and she added. "It's all good... I know who I married." Slipping her right hand over the middle console she grabbed his hand and squeezed gently.

A short while later, they pulled into the parking lot of Pacific Raceways. While the Pacific Northwest wasn't heavily known for its racing circuit, there was no shortage of people who loved speed and expensive cars. As a motorsports facility who once hosted the Indianapolis 500, Pacific Raceways catered to that group perfectly.

Confusion furrowed in Robert's brow. "This isn't exactly racing season?" Robert both stated and questioned rhetorically. "How are we watching a race?"

Andy chuckled to herself and said. "We're not watching a race." Then hopped out of the car before her husband could reply.

When Robert met her just beyond her crossover, he grabbed one of Andy's hands to hold and tentatively asked, "So we're driving?"

Andy stopped walking and turned to look at Robert. "You're awful at surprises..." Making eye contact with her husband, she couldn't help the way her stomach did flip flops as he stared back at her with a sheepish grin and happy yet confused eyes. He shrugged his shoulders lightly at her statement knowing she was right. "You're driving... a red 2020 Ferrari 488 to be exact."

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