Don't Move On

753 44 38

Happy Station 19 Day, Friend!

Thought this would be a quick drabble... the Muse had other ideas. Can't believe there are just two eps left and Surrera isn't together and Andy isn't Captain yet. WTF?! Anyway, enjoy! – Ash

"Lieutenant Sullivan," Chief Dearborn said with a smile as she approached. "Or should I say, Chief Sullivan?"

Robert smiled back and extended a hand. "It's good to see you again, Ma'am."

"Has the announcement been made to your team yet?" She inquired.

"Next shift," Robert said, just as he caught Andy's facial expression partially in view. He could tell just by the look of her that she'd overheard their exchange.

"Very well. Let me know if you need anything during the transition." Dearborn added. "You've got my number."

"Will do. See you in a few weeks," Robert replied.

As soon as was respectful he turned his attention to scan the crowd. The Firefighter Gala was in full swing and most were milling about, making small talk, but now he was focused on one thing. Andy's voice from behind ended his search.

"You're leaving?" She asked with a tight yet wobbly voice.

When Robert turned to find Andy's eyes, he saw an expression that was some blend of sadness and confusion.

"I wanted to tell you before..." He hadn't wanted her to find out this way and remorse unfolded on his face.

Interrupting. "After your locker was cleared out and your apartment packed up?" Andy spat out in a hushed whisper. She knew it was an overreaction, but she was tired of being on her best behavior.

She'd spent months being the calm in everyone else's storm and the past few weeks had pushed her to her edge. It was a sobering reality to take care of everyone and realize no one was taking care of you. Yes 19 was family, but everyone seemed to have pockets of closeness she didn't share with anyone.

She was everywhere and nowhere at the same time and the last time she remembered feeling that sense of home with a person was... something too painful to admit.

Robert's forehead scrunched. He expected Andy to be disappointed that he was leaving, maybe miss him, but happy he was getting a chance to advance his career. She'd been supporting him this past year. Her attitude didn't reflect the current nature of their relationship and he didn't know what to do with it.

Taken aback by her response, Robert replied genuinely, "It was just confirmed, Andy."

"Whatever. Enjoy Spokane," She said with a roll of the eyes and walked away.

Robert fumed as he watched Andy swipe a glass of champagne from a nearby server and head towards a high top table. The more he processed her response, the more agitated he grew.

He'd had it.

Her digs and attitude. Her hot and cold. It was all so damn confusing. He didn't get how on the one hand she opened up to him and relied on him, but on another always seemed to be on his case about something.

Seeing Andy talking with Robel and the ex campaign manager who's name he could barely recall, Robert headed in her direction.

"Excuse me," he placed a hand at the small of Andy's back and began leading her away. "May I speak with you for a moment."

Robert didn't wait for a reply before guiding her away from the table.

"What are you doing?" Andy grumbled as Robert wordlessly moved them away from the crowd and down a hallway just outside of the ballroom.

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