More Than Friends

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Happy Week after the Premiere! I'm so grateful that for once in over a year, the show didn't disappoint our Surrera lovin' hearts. As if we needed any proof, Robert and Andy's chemistry is just as off the charts as it always has been. S6 is definitely looking up – xo, Ash.

"I just wanted my job back," Maya said callously to Andy as if that somehow justified her actions. She barely turned around and continued shuffling around the conference room.

Throwing her arms wide in amazement, Andy was nearly speechless. "Maya? Seriously. That's it?"

Finally straightening up to face what she knew was a disapproving gaze from her friend, Maya looked in Andy's direction. "What else is there to say?" She questioned with a shrug of her shoulders.

Confusion washed over Andy's face as she tried to make sense of Maya's words and behaviors. "Wanting your job back is one thing, blackmail is something entirely different." How could she not see that?

Maya took a breath before responding, but jutted her chin not intending to back down. "It was an impulse," She'd used that line before with Sullivan and now it seemed fitting again. It was true, blackmail hadn't been her best move, but she just felt so god damn desperate. She'd been left with no choice, but to play the cards she'd been dealt.

Andy ran frustrated hands across her face then clenched and unclenched them in front of her. "Running to the store at midnight for chocolate ice cream is an impulse. Texting your ex at 2am when you know you shouldn't is an impulse. Blackmail is a crime." Andy finally said firmly.

"I don't need a lecture." Maya quipped back. Attitude and audacity was thick in her voice. Andy had been a hot mess for months and only after her assault seemed to have a reckoning of sorts. She wasn't interested in a high and mighty act from her.

"No, not okay. It's not just a crime, Maya, it's so far beyond wrong." Andy talked with her hands, especially when she was passionate about something and this time was no different. "I mean hell, I always knew you were driven and ambitious... how you got captain wasn't exactly..." she wouldn't go down that rabbit trail today. "But this..." Andy struggled to find the words and reconcile how her friend, someone she thought she knew, could act this way.

"Look, was it a bad call?" Maya's shoulders raised again. At the rate she'd been shrugging things off lately, it felt like they could take up permanent residence there.  "Probably. Am I sorry about it? No. Because that demotion wasn't fair and we both know it. If I'd been a man, I'd still have my job and there is nothing you could say to convince me otherwise." That was her truth and she was sticking to it.

Andy shook her head at Maya's logic. They had both been women in the SFD for years, taking the crap, talking about working their way up the ladder to finally be in a position to do things differently. Maya had gone and done the exact opposite. She'd stooped to their level... and against another woman no less.

Andy was still conflicted on Chief Ross. Initially she'd liked her a lot and was impressed by her, but she operated a lot like the old boys club and that didn't sit well with Andy. However, she did respect the work she knew it had taken for Ross to climb the ladder to her position as Chief.

"Unfair things happen on the job all the time, that doesn't mean you commit a crime and give your CHIEF an ultimatum," Andy's voice was raised as she tried to get Maya to see the error of her ways.

Maya rolled her eyes and stuck her hands in her pockets. "Guess we know where you stand." Her tone was dry and emotionless. She knew what Andy was saying was right, but she wasn't in the mood.

Andy took a step back. Maya's attitude was so dismissive. "What is that supposed to mean? I've been standing by you Maya. I haven't gone anywhere. I stormed the Chief's office with you. I had your back." Andy was yelling now, her own emotions beginning to get the best of her.

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