Chapter Four

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Niall was holding my hand as we were walking out of the pub and he said "You don't mind walking do you?" of course i didn't mind walking with a gorgeous guy like you. what kind of a question was that? "No i don't mind, walking is great." i said back to him.

Niall wasn't extremely tall but he wasn't short either, he was pretty much perfect height for me. He was slim but i could tell he had muscle because of the veins showing in his hands that went up his fore arms. He had very large hands which was a good thing because so do i. And he had brownish blonde hair. It looked like he bleached it and to be honest it looked quite sexy. He had the most incredible blue eyes i had ever seen and he wasnt extremely pale like all of the other guys i had seen since arriving here. He was almost perfect as far as i could tell. One of the most beautiful guys id ever laid my eyes on. At first i thought, what would i guy like that want anything to do with me. I mean i wasn't really the most attractive girl on the planet. I was just an ordinary girl with brown hair and green eyes, but i wasnt going to ask him that. Well yet anyways. 

*Nialls POV*

We were walking in silence away from the pub and i didn't know if i should start a conversation or if i should wait for her to speak. I didn't know what came over me tonight. Im not one to just take a random girl home like Harry was. He was more dashing and handsome than i was and was quite good with the ladies. Me on the other hand, well i wasn't really good at picking up girls. Jessica was different though. She had long flowing brown hair which i thought was beautiful. And she was skinny but she had very nice curves. Her legs and arms were toned really well, she must be an athlete i thought to myself. I'll have to ask later. One thing that i had noticed right away was her eyes. They were a deep green and they were really bright when the lights hit them. I finally decided that i should break the silence and get to know her better.

*Jessica's POV*

"So Jessica where are you from?" he said breaking the silence. "I'm from america." i replied and he chuckled as he looked over at me. "Well i mean i know that, i can tell by your accent. But where in america." he said with a smile in his face. "Oh, i'm from Tennessee." i said back feeling really dumb about my first answer. "Wow you are a long ways from home. What made you want to come here?" he asked me as we were turning onto another street. "Well i came here with my best friend Courtney. We just graduated and we wanted to come here for the summer before we start college." i told him. "Wow your parents let you come here for your whole summer? All by yourselves?" he asked questioningly. "Yes. We paid for our trip and we are 18." i told him feeling very proud of myself for saving every dollar i ever earned for this trip. "Well i will be sure to make your trip worthwhile then Jessica. If that is okay with you." he said pulling a set of keys out of his pocket and leading me up the steps to his flat. "Yeah that would be great." i said with a smile on my face as he opened to door and we walked inside. 

His flat was really nice from what i could see so far of it. We walked forward into what i guessed was the living room and we sat down on the sofa. It wasn't as messy as other guys houses i had been to back home. It was actually pretty tidy.

"So Jessica." Niall said as he looked at me. "Yes?" i answered back. "What do you like to do for fun?" he asked a little nervously. "Well..lets see.." i was about to say something like sing or run but then i spotted a bunch of guitars on stands against the far wall. "Whoa." i said as i stood up and walked toward them, my eyes falling on a dark mahogany and black colored Taylor guitar. which just so happens to be my favorite brand of guitar. "You like Taylor?" i asked him as i turned around. A smile spread across his face as i asked him the question. "Yes i have several. Its my favorite brand." he said. "Wow its my favorite brand too." i told him. His eyes widened and he asked "You play guitar?" i answered saying, "Yes i have played since i was 11." he looked at me surprised and said "No way me too." we both started laughing. Then he grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes.

"So Jessica, umm.." he ruffled his hair trying to figure out what he was going to say but i already knew what it was he wanted so i put my hands behind his neck and pulled his face closer to mine and kissed him. Then we backed up towards the couch and sat down. Oh god was he a good kisser. It sent chills throughout my whole body and suddenly i was starting to feel nervous. I wasnt one to get nervous about hooking up with a guy. And damn his lips were so soft and kissable.

*Nialls POV*

I didn't know what i was expecting when i saw Jessica tonight. She just looked so beautiful standing across the pub when Harry and i walked in. Then when she started dancing i just had the urge to go up and talk to her. And now here we are in my flat on my couch, snogging. I wonder if she does this with a lot of guys, but right now i don't think is a good time to ask. 

*Jessicas POV*

I didn't really want to go all the way with niall in one night, i guess because maybe i wanted to see him again, or maybe because id never slept with a guy before. I don't really know why but i just didn't. After we made out for like 20 minutes we both pulled away and just stared at each other for a minute. Then niall finally spoke. "Well, that was nice." he said as he smiled. "Yes it was." i said back. "So umm..its really late, do you want me to walk you to your flat? Or you want to stay here? You can sleep in my room if you want i don't mind." he said with a hopeful look in his eyes. "Niall, i'm not going to kick you out of your room, i can just sleep on the sofa." i told him. "No you will not sleep on the sofa." he said back. "Niall. i'm not kicking you out of your bed." then i had a thought. "But i will sleep in it if you do too, you know if your okay with sharing." i said with a smile. "No i don't mind at all" he said and stood up from the couch. He held out his hand and i took it as he pulled me up and led me to his room. 

"Here, let me get you something to wear to bed." he said as he walked over to his closet. He handed me pajama bottoms and a t-shirt and said "They might be a little big" while letting out a small laugh. "Its fine" i said back with a giggle. "Where is the bathroom at?" i asked him. "Through there." he said pointing in the direction of a door. "Okay i'll be back in a minute" i said as i walked away. I took out my iPhone and shot Courtney a quick text saying i was fine and i'd be back tomorrow. I quickly changed into the clothes he gave me and folded my dress up and took my stuff back out with me to discover a shirtless niall standing by his bed. Oh god did he have abs.

*Nialls POV*

Jessica walked out of the bathroom looking very cute in my big clothes. Well big on her that is. then she set her stuff down and walked over to the other side of the bed and crawled under the duvet. Then i turned the light out and climbed in myself. as i laid back my head hitting my pillows, she scooted over and snuggled up against my side and laid her head on my chest and said "You don't mind do you?" of course i didn't mind! "No not all" i said back to her. "Goodnight niall" she said quietly, i could tell she was already drifting off to sleep. "Goodnight jessica." i said as i wrapped my arm around her and fell asleep.

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