Chapter Ten

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*Next Morning*

My eyes fluttered opened as i had just woken up from the most amazing dream ever. In the dream i had flown to London with my best friend Courtney, met the most amazing guy in the world named Niall, and just yesterday he had asked me to be his girlfriend. Just then i was pulled out of my daze by my phone buzzing. I picked it up and it said new text message from Niall. I sat up in my bed and looked around the room. This wasnt my room and this wasnt my bed from back home. Then it dawned on me, none of that was a dream. It was all one hundred percent real. Then i looked at my phone and thought wow, i was living a dream. I slid the unlock button over on my iphone and read the text Niall sent.

"Goodmorning my beautiful girlfriend! How yould you like to come to work with me today? it will be fun! xx"

I immediatly texted him back saying, "Yes i'd love to! Do you mind if i bring Courtney along with me?"

He texted back saying, "No love i dont mind. I would really like to meet her! Get ready ill be there to pick you both up in an hour!"

I texted him back saying ok and then i bolted out of my room yelling "Courtney!!!! Get up!!!" I jumped up on her bed to try and wake her up. "Jessica Kaitlin. if you dont stop jumping i will bite you." She said with her usual cranky morning tone. "Ok fine." I said and i plopped down on her bed as she sat up to face me. "Gosh what has got you so happy this morning?" She asked as she rubbed  her eyes trying to adjust them to the light. "Ok so promise that you will say yes to what im about to ask." I said so that she couldnt back out of coming with me to Nialls work. Which i still didnt really know what he did on a day to day basis. I mean i knew that people knew who he was and everything but i didnt really know why exactly. "What?" She asked, clearly wanting nothing more than to go back to sleep. "Ok so Niall asked me to come to work with him today and i asked if you could come and he said that would be great so would you please please please come with me?" I said really fast so she didnt have any time to object. "Yeah fine Jess whatever, just get off me and go make me coffee." She said getting up to walk towards the bathroom to shower. "Ok babes! Be right back with your coffee! " I said literally sprinting into the kitchen to get her some coffee. I was so excited, if he wanted me coming to work with him that meant that he was really into me and he wanted me i every aspect of his life. I still didnt know what it was that he did for a living but i guess i was going to find out. I mean he said he was nineteen so its not like he could have a really important or cool job. Right?

I made Courtney her coffee and gave it to her, then i went to my bathroom to get ready. I got a shower and walked ot my closet to figure out what it was i wanted to wear. I didnt want to be too dressy, but i didnt want to be too casual either. "Courtney!!" I yelled as Court came running into the room thinking i was dying, which i laughed hysterically about. "Geeze Jess i thought you were being murdered! Stop doing that!" She said slapping my arm. "Oww! Damn! That hurt! Oops pardon my french.." I said as she hit me again for swearing. she has always done that. she hates it so much, but i cant help it i do it all the time. "Yeah you better watch your language, and what did you want?" She asked me. "Okay so what am i gonna wear?" i asked her. sheSalways knew how to make me look great. "Ok wear your red skinny jeans and your white layered tank top and your blue blazer with your black flats." She said as she started walking out of my room to go get dressed. "Thanks babe!" i yelled after her. "Welcome!" she yelled back. I got dressed and then grabbed my shoulder bag and my phone. Just as i had picked it up it started ringing. Niall texted and said,

"Hey love im outside!"

"Come on Courtney hes here!" I yelled just as she walked out of her room dressed in blue skinny jeans with her gray layered tanktop and her white blazer. "Well you look lovely babes." I said to her as i handed her, her shoulder bag. "Thanks. I thought so." She said as we were walking out of our apartment. We walked to the elevator, got inside and we descended to the first floor. We stepped out and there he was standing in the lobby waiting. "Hello beautiful." He said in his very sexy accent as he leaned forwards to plant a warm kiss on my lips. "hey Niall." I said after he pulled a away. "This is Courtney." I told him as he reached out to hug her. "Hi Courtney. Great to finally meet you. Jessica has told me alot about you." He said as we started to walk towards his car. "Oh really?" She said giving me the 'what the hell did you tell him about me' look. "Oh nothing bad if thats what your wondering. She said that you are the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for and she loves you to death." He said as he opened the car door for us to get in. "Thanks babe but im gonna sit in the back with Courtney." i said as he was opening the passenger side door for me. "Oh ok thats fine love." He said as he walked around the car and got in behind the wheel. He started the car up and we pulled into the London traffic to go to his work. I wondered what it was he did, i guess now was the time to find out.

"So Niall what is it you do exactly?" Courtney asked, clearly thinking the same thing as me. "I work in a recording studio." he said as he took a left on a street. "Oh thats really cool." Me and Court both said at the same time unintentionally. we do that alot. we both laughed at what we just did and then i said, "Jinx, you owe me a huge dinner." She looked over at me and then said, "Well of course you say huge dinner." We both continued to laugh as and then when we got quiet again Niall spoke. "Yeah it is pretty cool. I love my job." He said as we were still driving along. We pulled up to this huge building and Niall parked the car. He got out and opened up the door for us to get out. He immediately went for my hand and he intertwined our fingers, then we all three walked inside.

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