Lost In Translation

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The next day... (Wednesday)

Delilah got to glee club early, since her last class of the day was on the same hallway as the choir room. She was tired because she'd barely slept last night. Audrey had never missed a roof date before.

Her dad walked into the choir room with a spring in his step. He didn't notice her until he got to his desk. "Hey!"

"Hi," Delilah said, trying her best to sound awake and excited for glee club's first meeting. (They didn't have a meeting on Monday or Tuesday because Sam thought it would be best to let the students settle into the school year, and give him time to put together some plans for their first few days.)

A few minutes later, glee club members started to arrive. First was Archie and Val, who were inseparable. Delilah had always thought they were cute together, but she was beginning to become jealous of their lovey-dovey behavior. Audrey didn't worship her the way Archie worshipped Val. At least, not like she used to.

The next to arrive were Levi - Delilah's half brother who was a year younger than her (Delilah, Troy, and Val were juniors) - and Tracy. According to Levi, they had their last class together.

Tracy seemed to not know where to sit, and Delilah felt bad for her. It wasn't easy, she was sure. "Come sit by me," she said. She tapped the seat next to her and Tracy smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, thanks," Tracy said.

Sam had known Rachel Berry for a long time, so it didn't surprise him that her daughter was so much like her. Audrey was very talented, but she knew it, too. She was also very possessive, so when she saw Tracy sitting next to Delilah, her reaction wasn't a shock to him.

Audrey plastered on a fake smile and strolled over to where her girlfriend was sitting. She looked at Tracy. "I'm sorry, but that's my seat."

Delilah looked up at Audrey and said "You can sit here when you explain why you didn't answer my texts last night."

Uh oh, Sam thought. More students were arriving, and they were about to start arguing. Before Audrey could come up with some excuse that Sam was sure would be pathetic, he addressed the whole club.

"Okay, so we've still got some people who need to arrive. While we wait, I want you to think of some of your favorite songs. You'll see why in a couple of minutes." Sam pointed to Audrey and added, "Audrey, find a seat."

He was pretty sure he saw Delilah give him a thankful look.

Corey walked into glee club excited for a fresh start. He'd cried about Alfie all last night, but today was an opportunity to make new connections and try to distract himself from all of that.

He sat down next to Tracy and Delilah, wondering why Audrey was sitting so far away. Luckily, whatever horrible drama that was going on couldn't be explained to him, because the meeting was about to begin.

"To start off our school year, we're going to dedicate this week to getting to know each other. A lot of you guys already know each other, and that's okay. We have some new people here and they need to get acquainted to our family," Coach Evans said with a smile. As he said this, he wrote the words "who are you?" on the board.

Corey didn't know who he was, especially not after all the change he'd gone through in the past few months. He was relieved when Coach Evans specified what he expected from them with this assignment.

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