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gweneth's pov;

It been three days since my bestfriend, Lydia and I arrived in L.A. We already saw my brother Baron. We're staying at his house for the summer but we've been staying with a couple friends we knew threw social media for the first three days. Currently we're getting ready for a party at Baron and his friends' house.

"You nervous?" I ask Lydia who sits next to me in the back of an uber, she's fiddling with her phone.

"Very." I laughed at her reaction, I knew she was more nervous that she was going to say something wrong to one of the stuck up L.A girls who think they can do or say anything they wish.

We've known each other since we were in middle school back in Texas, after high school we moved to New York together, going to different colleges, me double majoring in theatre and writing and Lydia majoring in biology.

I was more nervous to meet all of Baron's friends. I knew he lived in a house full of males and I'd only met Chase and Ryland. I'd seen a couple of them on tiktok but I didn't follow them because it always felt awkward since I was young to interact with my brothers friends. It went both ways really, except for Lydia since we've all known each other for so long.

I was wearing a black dress that went just above my knees, though I had black stockings on underneath so it could easily be mistaken as longer. It was loose and awkward on me but I love awkward fashion.

 It was loose and awkward on me but I love awkward fashion

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Lydia has a similar dress to mine except hers was better fitting and a little shorter than mine.

It was her ideas to wear dresses, she assumed that people weren't going to dress up in comparison to us

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It was her ideas to wear dresses, she assumed that people weren't going to dress up in comparison to us. She hated the idea of people thinking she was another L.A. girl, and even though we aren't originally from New York, she had to let people know that's where we lived. I didn't mind, I would chose New York over L.A. anyway. It was late 8PM and it was well dark when the car stopped at the end of the driveway, unsure where to go since there was a gate blocking the entrance.

We thanked the driver and got out of the car, we had already payed online. It drove off as we walked up towards the tall grey ironed gates.

Saying our names into the security box, the gates open and we start walking in.

"That easy?" Lydia asks, half rhetorically. "I mean how did they know who to let in and who not to?"

"Probably just to trick people into thinking that there's someone with a guest list or some shit so paparazzi and stuff don't crash it."  I just shrug as we near the front doors.

It was already crowded with people out the front, the door wide open. It wasn't what I was expecting at all. Either people were on their phones or they were getting filmed by someone else.

"Welcome to L.A." Lydia muttered as we walked past them all into the house.

As I expected, we were overdressed. Overdressed compared to New York I suppose. Instantly I see the familiar face of my brother.

"Gwen! Lydia! You took you're time!" He yelled over the music. He pulled us both in for a hug. He squeezes us a little too tight, letting us know he is very drunk.

"It's not our fault your entry way sucks!" He waves off my statement as he starts walking towards the back patio. We follow him even though he doesn't say a word.

"I want you two to meet some of my friends," He sighs as he sits down in a bean bag, he takes a sip of his drink and gestures to what I have to assume is his friends. "This is Jackson and Dylan." He points towards two guys similar in looks.

Jackson was wearing a green jumper with a pearl necklace and Dylan was wearing a black singlet. Dylan looked familiar, like Lydia and I had seen him on a billboard or something ok the way to the subway.

"Hub was here a minute ago but I don't know where he went." Baron said looking around him.

We all talked for a little sitting on the bean bags until I started to get bored with what they were talking about.

"I'm gonna go get a drink," I said getting up from the bean bag Lydia and I were sharing, me practically sitting on her. "Lyd, you want anything?"

"Water." She smiled which earned a groan from Baron.

"Three years and you're answer never changes!"

It was true, Lydia hated drinking. She would have half a glass of champagne if it was offered but someone like Timothée Chalamet would have to offer it to her. She liked class rather than, well this party and how everyone was acting.

"Because she's smart, unlike some people." I say hitting Baron over the head. I walk off into the direction of the kitchen. I don't exactly remember where everything is but if i walk around enough I'll find out.

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