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"Again, what the actual fuck?"

Because of the lack of response after asking this so eloquently, Anthony repeats himself.

"Since when?" he stares at Aurora who now stands faced towards them. When she turned around, Tom stepped behind her and held her close comfortingly, with his hands on her shoulders.

"Great job keeping it a secret hun" Scarlett pipes in, laughing at Rory's 'deer caught in the headlights' expression.

"That's not helping at all Scar" she whisper yells.

"Sorry not sorry"

"Okay, everyone is way too chill about Rorypoly smooching with Hiddles. Why am I the only one who's shook?" Mackie questions again, mouth still slightly agape.

"Probably because even a blind dog could tell they were sneaking around." Robert says calmly.

His reaction surprises the hell out of Aurora. To be fair, she was the most scared about telling her dad.

"Wait, you actually knew?" she questions her father.

"Squirt, you are my daughter. I like to think I know you better than most" he smiles at her softly "It was obvious you were feeling so much better in the past few weeks and I know it's thanks to him." Robert nods his head in Tom's direction.

"I don't really know what to say right now." Rory answers honestly "I wanted to tell you, I was going to tell you but I feared what your reaction would be."

Her nervous habit is back again. Painfully red marks are on her knuckles already because of the way she scratches the shit out of them in seconds.

Tom's grip tightens on her shoulders reassuringly and his thumbs are rubbing circles over her skin upon seeing this.

"As long as he makes you happy I have no problem with this. That's the most important thing to me. For you to be okay." his voice almost cracks which causes Rory's eyes to well up with tears.

"I have no intentions to ever make her feel anything other than happiness and joy." Tom tells Robert, sincerity clearly audible in his voice.

She turns her head back towards him and looks into his beautiful eyes with a soft smile. She grabs his hand on her shoulder and gives it a squeeze before stepping away.

Aurora runs into her father's arms which are already open, awaiting her. She sniffles into his chest as she clings onto him, holding him impossibly close.

"I love you so much dad" she croaks.

"I love you too squirt" Robert answers while he strokes her hair.

"Stop it or I'm deadass going to cry" Chris chimes in, ruining the emotional moment.

"You're such a baby Chrissy Poo" Rory snaps back, wiping the last of her tears away.

"Says the one crying"

"Two words, one finger." she replies.

"In translation: fuck you Evans" Sebastian butts in, causing a wave of laughter.

"Thanks for stating the obvious Seabass" Anthony says as he pats his back.

"Not like I'm not always in for slandering Chris but can we please sit back down? My feet are killing me in these heels." Elizabeth requests, pointing at her shoes.

"Amateur" Rory mumbles

"Not everyone is capable of living in stilettos 24/7. I'll never understand how are you wearing those on stage and not breaking your legs" she whines "That's some black magic shit"

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