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There were many complaints on my story about Seb saying that you've been robbed from the good stuff so I'll give y'all what you want here. So just as a heads up, this chapter is smutty af👀
(I have a fragile little soul so pls don't rip me apart, i've never written smut before😬)


After another awfully long three hours spent with friends, an ever longer round of goodbyes and Aurora being roped in for one last farewell round of shots, her and Tom finally left the house.

As soon as the door closes behind them though, her petite body is quickly pushed up against the wall next to it, successfully trapping her between the said thing and Tom's body.

Her heartbeat picks up immediately by his action and it doesn't help the situation when he takes a strand of her blonde hair and puts it behind her ear. The gesture is so gentle and loving, yet the look in his eyes is a polar opposite. Raw passion and desire hides in his blue orbs, making Rory's knees go weak. It's a good thing she's held up against the wall after all.

Both of his hands now hold her neck, his thumbs tilting her head upwards by her jaw. Aurora's panting like crazy by this point and Tom's breathing is starting to get heavier as his eyes shut for a few seconds while his jaw clenches hard.

"You really made this evening as hard as you could, love." he grunts, feeling utterly frustrated by her teasing.

Aurora doesn't answer though. She just smiles sheepishly like she has no idea what he refers to. His face falls even more serious by the lack of answer, eyes tracing her features better than any finger would.

Her whole body feels like it's on fire and Aurora knows if she doesn't rip her eyes away from him, she can't keep herself from kissing him right there, just outside of Chris's home.

So she does. She looks away to her left, her eyes quickly scanning the dark and empty street behind him.

"Look at me" it's a soft demand, but it still made her body tremble.

He looks dangerous but exciting at the same time. She rolls her head towards him and inhales deeply. His nose is almost touching hers, his lips hovering above hers deliciously.

Aurora takes her bottom lip between her teeth, unable to stay calm in the situation anymore.

"Let me kiss you." It's another demand but her body seems to react instinctively, releasing her lip almost immediately. The corners of his mouth curl up into an accomplished smile.

"Good girl" he says.

And just like that, Tom's lips capture Aurora's in a hungry kiss, his fingers grabbing her hair firmly. Her body becomes enchanted by his touch, shivers running down her spine from the rough sensation of her locks being grabbed. Her heart is about to explode as his tongue asks for permission, which she doesn't hesitate to give. As soon as his tongue is in her mouth though he becomes more dominant. He tugs on her hair unexpectedly, pulling it backwards to angle her face higher.

His teeth grabs her bottom lip and tugs on it before pulling away.
"Only I get to bite that beautiful lip darling, do you understand?"

His breath fans her face and Aurora almost let's out a whimper by the sensation. She subconsciously bites down on her lip again to stop the sound from escaping.

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