Flashback #1

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One-shot: Yes / No

Written by: knightmere253

OC Creator: knightmere253

One of my favorite things I love about being a thief is travelling. My job takes me all across the world stealing things that some people say are impossible, to only get paid more than what the
object is worth. This is my life and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I get to steal everything I see from simple wallets to the world’s most famous objects, speaking of which.

“So the client wishes for me to steal the crown of bavaria? I’ve always wanted to steal the Bavarian crown, and actually thought about stealing it for my personal collection. Is there a time table for this job?”, I asked while already looking for blueprints for the Bavarian treasury. I’m currently on the phone with my handler, he’s been my main source of jobs for twenty years.

“They know of your exploits and know you’ll get the job done as soon as possible, so there will be no time table. They’re willing to pay over three million american dollars for this job”, John answered over the phone.
“Ah, I do love when the client doesn’t give me a time table. Allows me a little leeway with how to do the job. Consider it done”, I said before hanging up. I heard the shuffling of blanket sheets behind me.

“Who was that dear?”, the woman asked. “Just work”

Timeskip two weeks

The Treasury of Munich, not an easy place to case or steal from. It holds most of Bavaria's jewels and other famous objects. There’s a high possibility I could be here again in the future, but with more of a challenge. I was currently standing on top of the treasury itself checking my glock 22 with a silencer. I holstered it then drew my tranquilizer gun for any guards I happen to

come across who get in my way. I pulled up my mask then pulled down my goggles before pressing a button on top turning on it’s x-ray function. Looks like they got the normal twenty
guards all patrolling with the normal side arm. Of course they also have the basic security cams, which I already have a loop being played of the halls with the guards rotations, then laser trip wires, patrols, pressure pads on all of the objects which will be hard to trick but not impossible.

When I get to the where the crown itself is being held though, is where the fun will begin. Pressure plated floor tiles that if stepped on trip
an alarm if someone steps on it. Pressure sensors for the actual glass case that if removed will also trigger an alarm, then the before mentioned pressure pads for the crown. If I remove the crown then, can you guess it? Yes, an alarm will go off. This is going to be fun.

I tightened the rope on the side of the building leading to a window that leads to the main curator's office which is on the same floor of the crown. I put my backpack on with the other gear I’ll need once I’m in where they’re keeping the jewels. I slid down the rope until I was in front of the window I needed. Once I was at the window I reached into my pocket pulling out a small device that mimics an EMP but on a smaller scale.

I placed it on the window then set it off, turning off the pressure sensors. After hearing the fizzing of the window’s electronics I slid a
small wire through the crack of the window then lifted the latch. I opened the window then made my way in, too easy. I walked toward the office entrance to lean my ear on the door to see if I heard any guards making their way by. After not hearing a sound I exited the office looking down both sides of the hallway to make sure, good. I pressed a button on my goggles making it able for me to see any
laser trip wires.

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