FemaleFounded is a community profile focusing on all female characters in fiction.
Our goal is to empower writers of our community, reclaim the rightful spot females should have in literature, redefine the meaning of strong female characters, and spotlight the best written pieces, featuring diverse female characters, you can possibly find on this platform!
We believe every female is strong, no matter their background, family situation, sexual orientation, belief, relationship status, shape, height, colour and/or nationality, etc, and we love to read about all kinds of their strengths while exploring different genres of fiction.
Whether you write female-centered stories or are an avid reader and supporter of such stories, you're more than welcome to make yourself comfortable and stick around our profile while we build it to sky-heights - because yes, we're shooting for the moon here & you should too!
This profile is run and maintained by users of the Wattpad community. We have no affiliation with Wattpad staff and/or the Ambassadors-run profiles. We are a small team of adults doing adult stuff and we manage this profile in our free time, so please bear that in mind - we'd love to keep this space stress and pressure free!
Profile Guide | Female Founded
RandomFemaleFounded is a community profile focusing on all female characters in fiction. Our goal is to empower writers of our community, reclaim the rightful spot females should have in literature, redefine the meaning of #StrongFemaleCharacters, and sp...