Welcome to IMPcity

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Bliztø shows you around, he questions how you got to hell, he doesn't believe you at first but after a minute he does.

"So you're telling me that you saved someone's ass from being crushed, and still ended up in hell? Damn that sucks."

"Nah. I'd prefer to be here, more fun. Fuck "heaven" I wanna be here, this place is way way better than anywhere else. Less restrictions, less laws, more food and drugs."

Parties weren't your type of thing, and drugs weren't cool in your eyes. You did them because it made the world feel less chaotic. It never made sense to go to parties, they were always too loud and stupid.

"[Y/N] okay we're here!"

"You own this entire building? Damn nice man."

"No no no, though it would be damn awesome to own the entire thing, I have an office for our team. I did tell you what we do at I.M.P. right?"

"No you didn't, what is it that you do?"

"Oh, to put it simply, we kill people on earth for demons here."

"I-WHAT? WHO DO YOU KILL? DO YOU KIL CHILDREN?! I can kill people, I've killed when I was on earth, but I only kill people who fuckin deserve it! Like pedophiles, rapists, human traffickers, etc. Who are you killing on earth?"

Blitzø was shocked at your reaction, not expecting and now not knowing what to say, he sputters out real fast.

"I-uh, well you see we kinda just get the request find the person and kill them. So basically random people."

Obviously upset but thinking about options, you remember all the corrupted people on earth and how much money you could make for killing them.

"How about this, I know people on earth who if you or we can kill, could make you enough to still have enough to buy random stuff. I'd have to find the list first but after that it'd be finding and hopefully not dying trying to kill them."

Based on how Blitzø's personality is you guessed he would say yes and you were right.

"Hell fucking yeah I'll take that deal, my entire team and I would take that deal. Of course, I dont know if I should trust you, so if this is a really deal, I want you to get the actual list and show me it."

You knew the list was hidden in the vent behind your bed, the only question was, did your roommate or anyone move your stuff and find the list?

"Alright, if we can get going at right now I can quickly grab the list. There is a slight possibility everything is moved though."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"I had a roommate and I died so he might've moved my stuff out or moved out entirely. So I don't know."

"Alright, well before we go I should probably introduce you to everyone. Right this way."

Bliztø opens the door to the office and you're again almost shot in the face, except this time its and arrow and you catch it.

"OH CRUMBS! I-Im so sorry, are you alright? I didn't expect you to bust in like that."

"Yeah, no kidding. And why were you shooting for the door in the first place, why not the wall or anything else but the door, or windows? Apologizes, I'm [Y/N] it's a pleasure to me you...?"

"I'm Moxxie, it seems you've already met Blitzø."

"Indeed they have Mox! Now where your other M? She getting the strap-on ready for tonight?"

Moxxie slighty blushes and stutters out no.

"N-No she isn't, she's just getting more arrows for me. I'm simply practicing on my own."

"Alright, alright enough you two. Now, who's the other M? Is that like you and their nickname for each other?"

"WHY YES IT IS! Hi I'm Millie, Moxxie's wife. Who do ya need dead?"

Millie surprised you a bit but you were happy to meet her also.

"Hello Millie, I'm [Y/N] I dont need anyone killed today because I'm joining you guys to help kill people. Well, sorta I'm helping all of us get enough money to let us live out a life without having to do anything till we're dead."

"Oh, so you're joining I.M.P.? Huh, always thought we'd be a 4 person show. Well it's nice to meet you [Y/N]."

"It's nice to meet you too Moxxie. Now, we gotta get to my old room and get that list. How do we get back to earth?"

"USING THIS BIGASS FUCKIN BOOK I GOT! Where do we need to go?"

"4143 C Street Detroit Michigan."


"I mean sure, but it's just a list of names."

"Sure, one of those names is only 3 blocks from my house, and he always has a weak spot in his window. Open the portal and let's do this."

*The portal opens up*

~~Welcome to IMPcity~~

Thank you for reading part 2 of this, I know it's slow off the start but I'm really trying to establish the world and the base for the rest of the world as well. I do have multiple ideas right now, I just dont want to skip directly to them. Thank you for understanding, if you have any questions or if you want to leave your thoughts, please do so as that may give me more ideas. Anyway, have a good one everyone, talk to you next chapter.
Sincerely, Ollie <3

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