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Chapter 18:


My mouth drops as I look at my sister who's been missing for 7 years, "I thought you were dead," I cry and hug her. She tenses up and hisses in pain, "what's wrong?," I ask carefully.

"They hit me when I don't do as said," she explains and that makes mad very easily. "I'll get you out of here I promise, Matteo will help too," I assure her, "Matteo Vance? How do you know him?," she asks.

"He's kind of my boyfriend," I explain and her mouth drops, "why does everyone do that when my mouth drops," I say more to myself. She recomposes herself, "I can't just take you so it will be a little while," I explain and she nods and sighs.

"I thought you ran away how did you end up here?," I ask, "I never ran away, Jason owed the Spanish a debt of like 100 million and he didn't have it so he sold me instead the initial plan was to sell you but you weren't home when they raided the house so they said I was good enough and they took me while Jason and mom were watching," she explains and I almost cry.

"That sick bastard," I say, "I have to get back before they throw me in the basement, I love you," she says, "I love you too and I promise to get you out of here," I hug her one last time.

She puts her hair and nose back on before walking out of the bathroom, I reapply my mascara and use the bathroom before walking downstairs again.

"This my twin brother Marcus," I hear Matteo introducing him to everyone, gasps and whispers are heard. "That's all," he says and they start clapping, he walks over to me while Marcus wonders off somewhere.

"Lydia's alive," I whisper, his face washes over with shock. He quickly smiles and takes back, "what?," he asks, "Jason sold her and she's upstairs," I say.

"We have to go get her," he says facing me now, "we can't do it right now," I explain and he nods agreeing. "There having an auction, I'll just buy her back," he says.

That's perfect, we go undetected. "Ok when is it?," I ask, "in 3 days," he says.

They are sick people they sell humans for money and there own benefits.

"Ok that's perfect," I say.

Once we get back to the mansion, we walk inside see food in the kitchen everywhere. "Come on Aubri just eat," she wails, literally.

"What the hell is going in?," Matteo asks, "And why is she still up it's like 2am," he says obviously angry. "So she's been crying for 2 hours straight, we changed her diaper and now we're trying to feed her but she won't eat," he explains.

"Did you give her the teething ring?," he asks calming down, "uhh no," he answers. Matteo takes off his jacket and unbuttons his shirt, 3 maids walks downstairs and into the kitchen.

They openly admire my boyfriend, he turns to them and then me, "who's she?," one asks with sass in her voice. "Luna, my girlfriend," he says and they all look at me side eyed.

"I'm going to take off this dress," I say glaring at me pulling my gun out the holster to set down, "Don't do anything," Matteo says.

"I don't wanna shoot myself taking this off," i say and he nods giving Aubri her teething, he walks with me upstairs, I can still feel the maids eyes on me.

I get Matteo to unzip my dress, he starts kissing my shoulder and making his way up to my neck, where I let out a raspy moan when he hit between my neck and jaw.

My dress falls and I turn around swiftly, he reaches for my legs. I jump and he catches me cupping my ass, he lays me in the bed in between my legs still kissing me.

I pull off his dress shirt that was already unbuttoned, he starts kissing down my body he reaches the bottom of my stomach and someone knocks.

Of fucking course.

He groans, "one sec," he says and I slip on his dress shirt, and some shorts. He keeps his pants on with no shirt and opens the door, I peep over his shoulder and see Alfie holding a sleepy Aubri.

"Here is your daughter," he says and hands her to Matteo, he walks away and Matteo lays Aubri on the bed.

"I'm hungry," I say and he nods, I kiss him before walking downstairs. I walk downstairs and see Marcus and Alfie in the kitchen, "sup," I say and they Hey me back.

I sit beside Marcus waiting on my leftover spaghetti, "I think the maids hate me," I say. "Yea you took there dream boy," Alfie says, "they have Marcus," I point to him.

"I have a girlfriend," he says, "how do we not know this?," Alfie asks and he shrugs. "Her names Noel," he says and we both nod in understanding.

Matteo walks downstairs glaring at Alfie, I laugh at his silly actions. "What's his problem?," Marcus asks, "his daughter cock blocked him," Alfie says and Matteo rolls his eyes.

"What the fuck ever," he groans and starts turning around and around looking for ingredients, I openly admire my boyfriend.

"Look at Luna in love," we've never really discussed the L word together, we've only been dating for 3 weeks not enough time for love right?

"What the fuck ever," I say and Matteo looks, "stop stealing my lango," he says and I laugh. "Noels coming to visit, I already ran it by Marco and Andrea, and she's bringing her friend Taylor," Marcus says.

"I'm looking forward to meeting my little brothers girlfriend," Matteo says and Marcus smiles, "your older by 6 minutes," Marcus says and Matteo shrugs, "still older," Matteo says.

"Marcus is gonna get some in our guest room how charming," Alfie says, Marcus rolls his eyes. "Is that all you guys are worried about getting laid?," I ask and they nod, "yea," "pretty much," they say at the same time.

"Look what you guys made me do, my spaghettis cold," I pout, "I'm making pasta," Matteo says.

Matteo walks over and I stand so he can sit in my seat with me on his lap. He sits down and sit on one of his legs, "I'm literally gonna pass out," I lean back on Matteo and he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Same," he kisses my cheek and we sit there listening to Alfie and Marcus occasionally talking.

1108 words.


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