Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Re-written on April 17, 2023
Scene 1
M/n - Your name
L/n - Last name
Age - 16 years old

Rough language

It has be two days later, I have healed to the point I could speak and walk around without problem but my wound left a large scar on my chest and back.

During those days, I was kept company by the man now known as 'Hiroshi Tsukigini' and I found out he was once a swordsman but he likes to call himself a former 'Demon Slayer' as in this world there are demon eating humans.

I constantly asked him if he could be my master and to teach me his 'breathing technique' as 'Demon Slayers' use a technique to kill demons as they are more powerful than normal humans and are impossible to kill with a normal sword with their regeneration.

Today he finally agreed and took me as his apprentice. He looked at me with a serious face and said "Being a demon slayer is no easy task so understand when you face a demon it's between life and death"

I nodded looked at him "I understand, sir Tsukigini" he laughed and smacked the back of my head "Dont be so serious, kid. only time you need to run when you find some fucked up demon that is stronger than you"

I smiled and picked up the sword before bowing "Please teach me along my journey, master" He ruffled my hair and said "Alright! First are you skilled using the sword?"

I nodded and said "I was trained since I was a child, sir" He looked at me with a concern and worry before switching back to a charismatic tone "Really..? Well atleast we don't need to you the basics now this will be so much easier!"

I looked at him before he spoke again "Well since this breathing has powerful and swift movements, even if you are skilled with the sword we need to times that by ten and every second and every hour you have to practice 'Total Concentration Breathing' while doing everything even sleeping."

I looked at him confused "How do I practice total concentration method?"

He patted my back and smiled "First, inhale the maximum amount of air and exhaling in a pattern to maximize your physical and mental abilities in fights"

I followed his instructions and soon I knew how to do it before he tapped my shoulder "Remember everyday, every hour and every second"


He ordered me to run up the mountain and to swing my sword up and down with all my might with every blow at the tip, the low oxygen almost made me pass out and the wind was strong so I had to hold my ground.

We continued at this for 10 hours before he shouted at me to run back as it was getting dark and the demons will come and we ran back home before I collapsed onto the floor as soon I arrived.

I woke up again in my bed before starting training again, he made me sit below a waterfall and hold against it and to trees that were as thick as my whole body.

I had to punch at the trees after making my fists bleed before he scolded me for not wearing bandages first-hand.

I soon developed a nice relationship with him he felt like the parental figure I never had.

He finally was going to teach me his breathing style but he warned me of the dangers of using it as it is sought after because the person who made it went crazy and betrayed the demon slayer corps.

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