you are putting ur mak up on to go on a date with your beloved boyfriend michael jackson he is sooo sexey. all of a sudden u hear his car horn honk and you know he is waiting for you
you run down the stairs and grab your purse and get into his car. "hello my beloved boyfriend and award winning musician and dancer, michael jackson"
hey babe he sayyou arrive at the mall so you decide to go to your favorite store in the whole entire mall, sears, and he says he will treat you the best pair of compression socks that he sees
this makes your heart flutter and you get butterflies in your stomach and you blush. michael was always treating you to nice things. for example last week he surprised you with a dvd player and some stale candy from dollar generalyou decide to go to michaels favorite store next which is the phone case kiosk. he loves it so much and he stands there for about 4 hours looking at the phone cases and he finally picks this out for his phone 4:
after that he say "baby, I'm so in love with you." and he gives you a really good kiss on your eye lid. he is soooo secksy and he is always doing some romantic rubbish like that. his soft kiss on your oily eye lid makes your knee hairs stand up a little bit
"love you michael" u say. hey lets eat?" you say curiously
he picks you up bridal style and runs at 173 mph to the gas station so he can buy you a hot dog. he gets a blue raspberry icey and he goes behind the cash register to make a grilled cheese
after u eat ur meal he say he have a sur prise and he puts a blindfold over ur eyes "dont peek" he says thoughtfully. he finally take the blindfold off after about 43 minutes. you SCREAM SOOOOO LOUD because he is on both of his knees with a ring he got out of a claw machine at the arcade!!!!!! "babe will you be my lawfully wedded wife" he ask
"YESSSSSSS I WILL"" you yell. you yell so loud that everybody's ears pop