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art by @_afternoon.tea_

"If you don't shut up right now-"

"But you think it's funny too, you're laughing!"

Various giggles filled the room, as three sat in a circle on the ground, laughing to their hearts contempt.

"You guyyys it's not funny!"

"I know, that's why I'm- pfft-"

It was Aubrey, Kel, and Hero, all reminiscing about that one time Hero tripped with the tray of lasagna he had just made because Kel had been distracting him.

"You're laughing still!"

"I'm sorry, Hero- I'm sorryy!"

Aubrey felt tears come to her eyes from pure joy, as Kel was lying on his back and clutching his stomach like his life depended on it. Hero, chuckling at them as well, gave them a look of fake offence. He smirked.

"WhO wAnT laSaNGa?"

He quoted himself, and that line threw Kel and Aubrey over the edge.


Kel was wheezing out poorly formed sentences, as Aubrey was clutching her stomach just as hard.


Aubrey let herself fall back, as the trio's laughter filled the air.

"Y-you two are so— lucky my m-mom's not here—"

Hero breathed out, wiping a tear from his eye as Kel was struggling to catch his breath.


Kel let out a few more breathy chuckles, before letting out a big long sigh. He slowly felt himself relax, taking deep breaths, body feeling tired. Aubrey rubbed her eyes, giggling one last time as she stretched out and put a hand in his face out of spite.



Hero grinned at the two, slowly standing up and stretching out.

"Alllright, I think I might go on a snack run. You two want anything?"


Kel beamed, his exhaustion quickly disappearing as he sat up in a flash.

"Sour gummy worms.."

Aubs yawned, her energy a contrast to the boy beside her as she sat herself up with a small grin.

"Alright then, i'll be back."

He hummed, grabbing something out of his drawer and making his way out the door.

"Don't destroy the house while I'm gone."

"We wont!"


Aubrey chuckled, and with that he was gone, shutting the door behind himself. The aura was calming, the silence that soon filled the room comforting in a way that neither could explain. Kel hopped up onto his feet, only to jump onto his bed, creating a loud creak.


"Heyyy! Rude!"

He pouted, and Aubrey only snickered as she stood up reluctantly, going to sit beside him. A dim moonlight shown through the window, lighting up the room along with the small lamp at Kel's desk. The room wasn't super bright, but it was just enough for them to be able to make out each other's faces. They both weren't quite sure what to say, but it's not like either minded. They simply sat, Kel kicking his legs with that wide grin he always had, no matter the circumstances. He glanced over to the pink haired girl beside him as she began to hum. He recognized that tune, bopping his head a bit as a concentrated expression formed on his face, trying to remember what song it was.  She gave him a look of amusement, deciding she'd help him out.

Tongue Tied || KELBREY/BASEBALLWhere stories live. Discover now