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Tiarra's POV

While eating, I was actually surprised with Drake's cooking. He's really good. Hopefully what happened this morning won't be brought up. It was so embarrassing. How the hell do I manage to kick of my pants and have them end up under my pillow?! Yeah that's right, I found them under my pillow. Thinking of all that made me think of last night.

"Oh yeah! I'm supposed to kick your ass!" I yelled at him. My sudden outburst startled him. He looked at me.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, confused.

"You fell asleep in my bed last night!" I yelled at him. Drake just smirked and walked towards me until our faces were inches apart.

"Don't act like you didn't want me there. You practically stripped for me." He replied smirking. My face turned red. That bastard.

"I-It was hot in the room! I must have gotten to H-Hot!" I said, trying to find a solid excuse. Drake pulled me off of my chair onto his lap. Our face were once again close.

"You know, most people take off the blankets when they're hot. Not their pants." I glared at him and pulled myself off of his lap.

"I'm going out." I said.

"Going where, sweetie?" Drake asked with an innocent smile. I rolled my eyes and opened the door.


"Bring me back something, sweet." He said. I slipped on my coat and turned around. To my surprise he was right in front of me. "Or you could just let me have you." He whispered into my ear. I jumped and grabbed for the door.

"I will b-bring you back something!" I yelled. Just before shutting the door I heard him chuckle. What's with him and teasing me all the time?

I walked down the thousands of stairs that our apartment building has and stepped outside. The air was warm, but the wind made me shiver. I looked down to realize I was only wearing a tank top and shorts. My hair was only in a messy bun and I wasn't wearing any makeup. Aww well, it's not like I really care what I look like right now.

I starting to walk down the street, ignoring the stares I got. I pulled out my iPod and I started listening to 'Gorilla' by Bruno Mars. After a few minutes I finally arrived at Starbucks. I peered into the big window and I noticed Lydia. Well cool. I get to walk home with Lydia.

I walked inside and stopped. I seen Lydia with a look of terror on her face. Following where she was looking I seen the person I have despised my whole life.

"Zayn." He looked over at me and smiled. It wasn't a friendly smile either. It was sinister.

"How's my lovely sister, today?"


Jakari's POV

I started to open my eyes. My vision was a bit blurry and I seen gray spots everywhere. I started to sit up and my vision came back to me. Where am I? Oh yeah, I'm in Hell. That's not something I thought I'd ever say. Just then I remembered.

I stood up suddenly and looked around. Where's Tabby! I remember there was a guy. I wasn't able to saver best friend. What am I going to do! Niall said there's a bunch of freaks down here. I need to go get his help.

I started to sprint to the castle. My legs were still sore from the running I did before, but I didn't care. My best friend could be hurt somewhere, or worse. I shook off that thought and tried to think as positively as I could. I arrived at the back door of the castle and slipped in. Fortunately the first person I saw was Niall.

"Hey, where's Tabitha?" He asked.

"I don't know! Some guy took her! I need help finding her. Please Niall, can you help me?" I asked. Niall looked as though he wanted to help, but didn't know what to do.

"Lucifer would be the one to ask, but he's up on earth with Tiarra, Lydia, and Drake." Niall replied, looking concerned.

"Shouldn't the 'God' of Hell be ruling Hell?!" I yelled.

Niall shook his head, but brightened up instantly. "I know someone else who can help!" Niall grabbed my hand and we started to run.

*I know I haven't updated in a while. This story will be continued :) hope you  




Until next time..

*;Peace out Bitches;*

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