Lucifer's POV
I watched as Drake picked Tiarra up and ran her off to the elevator. I looked at Lydia as she was giggling and she turned toward me. I was about to ask her if she wanted to go to the real world with Drake and Tiarra when I heard a voice. I turned and I seen Shelby running towards me. I inwardly groaned. I glanced at Lydia and she looked mad. Shit, not again.
I turned toward Shelby once again as she tackled me in a hug. You see I never did get to explain to Lydia my relationship with Shelby. Shelby is my younger sister, but she has a brother complex (crush on me) so I try to avoid her. Shelby then started to whisper in my ear.
"Don't worry bro, I've gotten over you. I know you love Lydia and I've found another crush. And bro? I kno she loves you back." She whispers and ends with a wink.
What happened next I couldn't quite wrap my head around. One moment Shelby's smiling in front of me and I was about to hug her, and the next she's on the ground with a bloody nose. I look over and see Lydia. I was confused at her actions, but then I realised she was probably jealous. Fuck. Fuck me for not telling her that Shelby was my sister. Lydia looked a little ashamed in her self and she started backing up and running away. I called her name and was about to chase after her when I remembered Shelby. I turned around and I seen she was a little scared. I felt bad for her, poor girl. She only fell in love with me because I was too much of an overprotective brother. Most guys were scared to get close to her because of me. And I avoided her for it. I felt like such an ass.
I walked over towards her and kissed her on the forehead, wiped her bloody nose, and picked her up bridal style and carried her towards the castle. How am I going to make this up to her and Lydia?
Jakari's POV
Niall and I were already done checking out the castle. He took me on a tour of it since i've never been inside it before. We were walking out when we seen Lucifer with a girl in his arms. I was about to freak out thinking it was Lydia, but as he rushed past me I seen it wasn't her. Lucifer didn't know it was me he rushed past and he didn't know I was following him either. Both Niall and I were following him. We walked a little aways behind him down a long hallway and he opened a door to a bedroom and we rushed in and hid behind a wall. We watched him sit her up in a chair and they started talking. I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. I watched Lucifer clean up this girls nose. Looks like whatever hit her did some pretty good damage. After he cleaned her up a bit he bent down and hugged her, which I thought nothing of. Then he kissed her cheek! OMFG! I thought he liked Lydia! I was about to rush out from behind the door when Niall grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room and we ran.
We ran out of the room, down the hall, down the stairs, and out the back enterance. He was holding my hand, but I was too mad to blush. I was pacing back and forth and Niall was trying to calm me down. He kept saying something to me, but I blocked him out. I was about to run somewhere when I seen Lydia practically dragging herself towards us. She hadn't noticed us yet, so I ran up to her and shook her. She looked at me a little irritated.
"What!" She spat.
"Lydia! Don't use that tone with me! I have information for you!
"Jakari I'm not in the mood right now." She says.
"Jakari please stop and listen to m-" Niall says but I interupt him.
"Lydia I seen Lucifer kiss some chick on the cheek! She looked pretty beaten up too."
"Jakari please let me exp-" Niall started again, but he didn't have a chance to finish because Lydia ran past him knocking him down. She ran off towards the castle.
"There, see Lydia needed to know th-" I started, but Niall started to interupt me this time.
"JAKARI! LISTEN TO ME! That girl Lucifer kissed-" I interupted him again.
"Was a skank." I say.
"NO! Listen! It was his sister!"
..... "WHAT! Why didnt you tell me!"
Niall just sighed. "i tried.."
Well Fuck.
Tiarra's POV
We were getting off of the elevator. Drake still had his arm around me, but I didn't mind. Not that I like him or anythin- Okay, maybe I like him a little bit. I'm not telling anyone that though. I might tell Lucifer, but I'm not telling Lydia. I tease her about Lucifer I'm not having her tease me about Drake.
We started walking out of the building and down the street. I was still a little tired so I was practically leaning on Drake. We got to the street corner and he turned, but I wasn't paying attention. I was basically half asleep. I started walking straight. Right into traffic. I heard Drake yell and I hit the ground.
"Oww.." I say. I look up and Drake's hovering over me. He looks a little angry. I look around and were back on the sidewalk. Drake was already getting up and he helped me up. He still looked mad.
"Sorry.." I said looking down.
He just sighed and walked over to me and picked me up, bridal style of course, and started walking down the street towards an apartment building. I didn't blush this time, I was starting to get used to this. As we approached the apartments I realized this was my apartment building.
"hmm?" He said
"How did you know I lived here?"
He looked at me and smiled. I've only seen this smile twice and I loved it. "Lydia told me to get an apartment here for when we come up here. I didn't know you lived here, but I do now." He said and winks. I just giggle and he looks surprised. I just look away and I swear I seen him smirk. Damn, and I thought he was done with that.
There was no elevator in this building so he had to walk up 8 flights. I told him I could walk, but he insisted on carrying me. I just sighed and let him. He can be sweet sometimes. We got up to the floor and walked to his apartment door. I can't believe it. He was my neighbor! How did I never notice him. Oh that's right, he's in Hell most of the time. I looked at him and told him I needed stuff from my apartment. He set me down and I walked to my apartment.
Once I unlocked the door I walked in and was actually happy. I felt comfortable in my crappy apartment. I left the door open while I walked over to the couch. I layed on the couch just to rest my eyes for a couple minutes. I was so tired. I told Drake I'd just be a minute. I better get back to him. I tried to get up, but my body wouldn't listen. I started to close my eyes and I fell asleep withing seconds.
*Like this chapter? I hope you did :) Please Favorite or comment if you liked this story... Okay I will update this either tomorrow or by Wednesday :) Until then....
*;Peace out Bitches;*

Welcome To Hell
AléatoireWhen Tiarra let's her best friend Lydia take her down an elevator to meet some people, her whole world changes. As they enter Hell Tiarra meets the people that Lydia has been talking about. Will Tiarra learn to like them?