Are You Kidding Me.

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Jakari's POV

I was sticking close to Niall. I didn't want to risk anything with Lydia. I haven't seen her mad before so I have no idea what to expect.

"Jakari?" Niall asked.

"Yes Niall?" I said looking in everydirection. but the diection he was in.

"Are you still paranoid because of Lydia?" He asked.

"Pfft, Niall are you crazy? I would never be afraid of her." I said nervously giggling.

He looked at me and then said, "Oh really now. Then why do you have a death grip on my arm?" He said with a smug look.

Damn. "No reason..." I said. I couldn't think of anything better.

He then added. "You do know that Lucifer and Lydia went to join Tiarra and Drake up on earth right?"

What the hell? Why hadn't they told me. I want to go to! "Come on Niall! Were going too!" I said dragging him.

He pulled me back and I stumbled and fell into his arms. I looked into his arms and blushed and stood up instantly.

He got back up, brushing himself off. "Jakari I can't go. Lucifer said everytime he leaves, Drakes in charge. Since Drake isn't here I'm in charge."

Well i'm not going to leave Niall. I sigh and we start to walk towards the castle.

Damn, I wonder what they're doing up there.

Lydia's POV

"Umm, I can explain." Tiarra said. I almost giggled at the look she had on her face. Terror at being caught and complete embarrasment, but I kept it together.

"Please. Explain then." I said with my arms crossed. I was laughing on the inside, but I couldn't let her see that just yet. I glanced over at Drake and he looked as if he was going to burst into laughter. His face almost made ME burst out into laughter, but again I held it together.

Tiarra began. "Umm, well, umm....You see umm-" Drake cut her off.

"Tiarra just jumped onto me. She said I was just so Handsome that I shouldn't be feeding myself. She practically threw herself at me." Drake said with a smirk.

Tiarra looked angry. Exactly what I was hoping for. When someone lies about something that involves her she just blurts out what really happened. Here she goes.

"That's not at ALL what happened Drake! He was feeding me like a baby and he started to tease me and I thought 'how would he like it if this happened to him' and thats when I decided to pay him back and so I took the fork from him and landed on him. I shoved the fork into his mouth and that's when you guys wal-..." She stopped. "I just told you everything, didn't I?" She said.

I smiled. "Yes, yes you did. As much as I want to believe you, I believe Drake. I just think you couldn't contain your love any longer."

She started to turn bright red. I looked at Drake and he looked a little surprised, but covered it with a smirk and started to tease her.

"Aww Tiarra, are you thinking of confessing your love to me?" Drake said while sitting up. Tiarra was still on top of him.

"In your dreams." She said crossing her arms and shoving him back down. She stood up and walked out of Drake and Lucifer's apartment into our apartment.

Drake and Lucifer started to talk and I stood there awkwardly. I felt lonely so I slowly backed out of the apartment and went into ours.

When I stepped in I tripped over the door rug. Damn llamas. Always out to get me. I stayed on the floor and seen Tiarra in front of my on the couch sleeping. Wow, I'm pretty tired myself. I got up off of the floor to go tell Lucifer I was going to bed.

I walked into the apartment and Lucifer and Drake were still talking. Then I realized something. Each of our apartments only have 1 bedroom. Me and Tiarra always worked something out to have someone sleep on the couch and the other in the bed. I smirked. I walked over to Drake and whispered into his ear. He started to blush slightly and smirked. He then walked out of the apartment.

"What did you tell him Lydia." Lucifer asked me.

"I just told him that him and Tiarra could share our apartment while were all up here." I replied.

"Umm, Lydia. You do realize that means that now we have to share an apartment together right."

I stood there. I looked down so that Lucifer couldn't see my blush.

Well damn.

Tiarra's POV

I was resting my eyes while laying on the couch when I hear something. I open my eyes slightly to see Lydia on the floor cursing the llamas. Why am I her best friend? I hold in a giggle and close my eyes again so she doesn't bother me. I don't want her teasing me on the whole 'Drake' thing. I heard her footsteps walk out the door.

I sighed gratefully. Peace at last. I laid for a little bit until I heard another person come in.

I looked at the door and I seen Drake come in, shutting the door behind him. He walked right up to the couch, lifted up my legs, and sat down putting my legs on top of him.

"Drake." I said a little confused and annoyed. "What the hell are you doing in here?"

He smirked at me. God, I hate it when he smirks like that, though it is kind of sexy- NO Tiarra Shutup!

"Well Tiarra, Lydia traded me apartments for a while. While were up here, you and me are going to be roommates."

 Are you fucking kidding me.

*Hope this was good :) Comment, Vote, Like, Fan. 

I will update in a couple days. Until then...

*;Peace out Bitches;*

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