[45] End of Match

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remember when i wouldnt shut up about jojo, now it's one piece

thats also the reason why i cant update this story on time shhdjabdkandk



The scoreboard updated to show the score, MSBY winning the set with a score of 25 - 23.

"And so the littlest monster steals away set 3 for the Black Jackals!"

"The set count now sits at 2 to 1 in favor of the Black Jackals. One more and they'll walk away with the win!"

On with Chapter 45:


"The rally ender! Ushijima Wakatoshi!"

Ushijima spiked the ball through the blockers and it bounced off of Atsumu's arms. Adlers gained a point and the score now was 9-9 for the 4th set.

Kageyama was up next to serve and could have earned them another point if he hadn't used as much power.

"Ah! So close!" (Y/n) couldn't help to exclaim as she jumped slightly from her seat.


"Another powerful shot from the cannon! Hinata gets under it in time, but the ball flies back to the Adlers' court."

"Free ball!" the crowd shouted as Heiwajima received the ball.

Kageyama jumped and the other Adlers ran at the same time for a synchronized attack. He tossed it over to Ushijima who was already in the air and spiked a fast and strong one.

However, Hinata had seemed to appear out of nowhere and received the ball in a perfect manner, causing the rally to continue.


"Here we go, folks. If the Adlers don't find a way to push him out of the server spot fast, they could be in trouble!"

It was Atsumu's serve as he went to the serving line. He brought his hand up and made it into a fist to silence the crowd before throwing it up and serving it.

Heiwajima received the ball and passed it over to Kageyama. He jumped and looked like he was going to do a dump before actually doing a power tip, causing the ball to land at the back of the court where none of the Black Jackals were paying attention.

"The Black Jackals saw the dump coming... And that's exactly what Kageyama wanted!"

"Back-to-back points for the Adlers!"


Inunaki received the ball and passed it to Atsumu. Atsumu tossed it to Bokuto to spike, but the ball got blocked and went down onto their court instead.

"Stuffed! Hirugami shuts down Bokuto with a brilliant block!"

"The Adlers come roaring from behind, grabbing the lead with their fourth point in a row!"

"The Black Jackals just can't seem to pry Kageyama out of the server spot!"

It was Kageyama's 4th serve as he hit it over the net. As the ball came towards them, Sakusa shifted slightly to his side and bumped the ball up. He then ran up to the net before spiking the ball that was tossed to him.

"Sakusa bumps it, and glides right into a beautiful hit, wiping it off Ushijima's hands!"

"He's just so consistent."

The score changed to show that both teams were currently on their 19th point, and MSBY had immediately gained another point when Bokuto did a feint in the next rally.

The game continued on with both teams taking turns to earn points. It was indeed getting intense especially when the Black Jackals were at set point for the second time in the set. The spectators were on the edge of their seats as they waited for one of the teams to win and end the game.

But, they didn't have to wait long when Hinata acted as a decoy towards rhe blockers while Bokuto scored the last and winning point.

The crowd went wild as they cheered and clapped for the winners of the game, MSBY Black Jackals, with a set count of 3-1.

The players lined up at the net and shook each other's hands before heading back to their side of the court where the coach was at.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the monster generation is on parade here in Division 1 of the V. League."

"This was just the start of what's shaping up to be a very exciting season!"

"Waaaah, I felt like my heart was about to jump out. It was so intense." (Y/n) let out a sigh as she placed her hand on the left side of her chest. "Maan, they were so close!" Semi ruffled his hair and Reon laughed at their reactions. "Let's go get Wakatoshi's autograph, yeah?" he suggested and all three of them stood up from their seats. "Oh! I want a picture!"

As the three of them were walking through the court, (Y/n) spotted 2 familiar faces not that far. "Ah, you guys go ahead, I'll catch up later." she turned back to where she last saw them and headed towards their direction.

"Akira! Yutaro!"

She surprised the two from behind by wrapping her arms as best as she could around their shoulders. "(Y/n)-senpai!"

She smiled widely, "It's been awhile, huh?"

"Kindaichi! Kunimi! (Y/n)-senpai!" another voice was heard calling their names, this time it was the star setter Kageyama!

"Let's play again sometime! Together!" he shouted since he couldn't walk over to them from being busy signing autographs and meeting fans.

"Uh, Kageyama?" Kindaichi spoke, "You're playing overseas starting next year, right? What, you expect us to become world-class players overnight?"

"Ugh, you have like... one brain cell. And now all your fans are staring at us." Kunimi pointed out as he slightly felt uncomfortable from the unwanted attention.

"Yeah.. I don't think I want my arms to fall off from your serves too.." (Y/n) cringed at the thought of receiving one of those deadly serves.

"It doesn't have to be now. It can be after we're retired. Even when we're old geezers!"

It was silent for a moment before Kindaichi decided to answer on behalf of everyone. "Sure! Let's do it!"

"Well... I guess, maybe. If I have a day off from work, And... there isn't anything on TV I wanna watch." Kunimi said.

The (h/c-ette) smiled softly, "I'll try to clear up my schedule."

Kageyama smiled, "Heh, sounds good."

Before they parted, (Y/n) suggested taking a group photo together despite the absence of Amako. Can't help it that she was currently busy being somewhere else at the moment.

Maybe they'll take a proper photo next time they meet.


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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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