[25] The Managers

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Izumi: im not sorry for talking about jojo for the 2 out of the past 3 chapters because i really love the series and my brain wont stop thinking about plots and my husbandos aka kakyoin rohan mista and giorno

pls enjoy this chapter while i take a month break to recharge my creativity since internship broke me 👋😃 see you in march



Throughout the warm ups, (Y/n) partially focused on the court next to them, which still held the Karasuno vs Dateko match. "Toss to me!" "Bring it!" she kept hearing those same phrases from Hinata throughout the match and couldn't help but to think that something was suspicious, considering that the two phrases had been his vocabulary this entire time.

Looking over at the other court, Hinata so happened to shout one of those phrases at that moment. "Toss to me!" he shouted but the ball was set to another player instead, and they earned a point. Not long after, she heard him exclaim "Bring it." before hitting the ball over.


On with Chapter 25:


After the match against Omisaki, the team decided to head back to school for a team meeting before going back home to rest.

"You guys did well today!" (Y/n) praised them while they were walking to the exit of the stadium. "Especially you, Akira! You were more energetic than usual!" she praised Kunimi who accepted it graciously by nodding. "What motivated you today?"

Kunimi just remained quiet as he was reminded about the interaction that happened between him, Kindaichi, Amako, and the Omisaki player during warm ups.

Seeing that she wouldn't get a reply, (Y/n) shifted the conversation to the girl walking next to her instead. "So how was it, watching the match with the cheer team?"

"Eh? Uh, loud." they both chuckled. "It was fine. They're nice people." Amako answered as they finally exited the stadium, only to be greeted by interviewers who were waiting for the players' arrival.

"Oikawa-san! Can we get an interview with you?" an interviewer asked. "Mhm, sure."

"We'll be waiting in the bus." Coach Irihata told the captain and led the team towards the bus. "Ah, (L/n)-san!"

(Y/n) stopped and turned her head towards the voice, only to notice that it was the interviewer. "Yes?" she answered. "You are (L/n)-san, right? The daughter of the retired athlete?" they clarified and (Y/n) nodded.

"Can we also request an interview with you, too?"



"I can't believe I had to do an interview too. I hate those.." the manager groaned as she plopped into the seat next to her junior. "Why didn't you reject them?" Amako asked while taking out her phone and earpiece.

"Because then I'll feel bad and won't stop thinking about how possibly rude I sounded when rejecting them because I was too shy when they had the courage to call out to me to ask me about the volleyball matches." the brunette just stared and blinked a couple of times at her senior.

"I'm overthinking, I know."


"Senpai, do you wanna listen to some music?" Amako offered one of the earpieces. Everyone was finally in the bus and they were about to head back to school for a short briefing before going home to rest for the day.

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