[29] Semi-Finals

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Izumi: 100k mafia au special coming soon!! 



While Seijoh was resting before their match against Senseki, the managers quickly made their way back to the water fountains to refill the water bottles. "Ah, I have to go to the toilet real quick!" Amako said before screwing the cap of the bottle she was holding, placing it back in the tray and brisk walked her way to the toilet nearby.

The first year apparently took so long that (Y/n) ended up finishing the rest of the water bottles and had a couple of minutes to herself while waiting.

"What took you so long?" (Y/n) asked when she saw her fellow manager walk up to her.

"I went to poop!"

"...Why do you sound so happy about it?"

On with Chapter 29:


Seijoh easily won the match against Senseki, taking 2 of the possible 3 sets, and made it to the semi-finals the next day.

And today, the team they were going against in the semi-finals is Johzenji.

"Seijoh's Manager-chan!" a blonde second-year captain called out the nickname that (Y/n) was oh-so familiar with. Since her back was faced towards him, she rolled her eyes and let out a small sigh before turning towards him. "Yes, Terushima-kun?" She was just doing her normal manager duties of being the ball boy during the warm ups when this happened.

"Well, would you-" "No thank you." she immediately turned down whatever Terushima's offer was. She had heard enough from him to know his intentions, and honestly she was surprised he was still determined even after trying for a year.

Terushima pouted from being rejected for the umpteenth time and whined, "But Manager-chan!" "I refuse!" "Then-" "Don't you have a team to take care of, Captain?" (Y/n) said before going back to paying attention to her own team.

Terushima was about try persuading her again when he got called by his coach. "Terushima! Get back here!" and so he went back. "I'll see you later, Manager-chan!"

The said manager pretended to not hear.


"Now don't run off to another team to cheer for your boyfriend, okay? You have your own team to take care of." Oikawa talked to (Y/n) in a slightly baby voice with her head in his hands.

"...I'm not a child, Tooru." the said manager complained while her cheeks were being squished together. "You don't need to baby me nor treat me like this..." she pouted and her eyebrows furrowed.

"Didn't you run off to somewhere else yesterday when left unsupervised?" "..." (Y/n) refused to comment on it.

"Now, be a good girl and stay with the cheer team, okay?" Oikawa said before letting go of her face and patting her head. "And not Shiratorizawa."

He expected a response, at least a nod or an "okay", but all he got was his childhood friend pouting even more while looking away from him. 

He stopped patting and placed his hand on her head before gripping it . "Ah! Okay, okay! I promise!" she exclaimed to quickly stop the pain.

Oikawa gave one last pat before going back to the team while (Y/n) went to the spectator stand once again.

==T I M E S K I P==

"Good luck!" (Y/n) gave a quick kiss on Semi's cheek before they had to return to their own teams.

Not surprisingly, Seijoh had won against Johzenji with a score of 2-0, but each set they managed to win only by a couple of points. Johzenji is no joke, despite how they play and act.

During the time between matches, Semi managed to send a message to meet up in a hallway before both of their matches, which is the Finals.

"Are you sure you should be saying that to me? When my team is going against yours?" he teased and brought his lover into a hug. "Mmmmm well is it wrong to be cheering for my boyfriend too?" she hugged back tightly.

A few seconds later of being in each other's arms, Semi spoke up. "I think we have to go now." (Y/n) tightened her grip around him. "(N/n), let go, you need to be there too, you know?" Semi pried her arms off of him and she just responded with a pout. "Good luck out there. " he gave her a kiss on the forehead and headed towards his team.

Not wanting to be stubborn, (Y/n) too headed back to her own team and got welcomed by the normal group. "Where's our good luck kiss?"

"..." She actually did not want to entertain them, but she suddenly got an idea in mind. She kissed the inside of both of her hands and smacked them either on their face or their arm.

"There. Good luck."


extra info:

- y/n met terushima the previous year (when she was a 2nd year)

one of the only times y/n was alone (filling water into bottles), terushima tried his luck. 

despite getting rejected the first time that day, he never stopped trying every time he sees y/n during the prefecturals. but the results were always the same.



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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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