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Cars pulled up and guests clattered about, photographers snapped pictures for families and friends. Romance is in the air, so is excitement and anticipation. The cherry blossom leaves were raining softly and delicately, coating the ground in pink.

A handsome red haired young man was looking around for someone, checking his phone for messages and making annoyed sounds. "Where is he?" He wondered out loud. "Seriously is it so hard to be early to your own wedding?"

His eyes casted to the entrance, and time seemed to stop for him.

Walking towards him is the handsomest man he's ever seen. Strawberry blonde hair framing his perfect face, deep, mysterious violet eyes, and a prince charming-like smile.

"There you are!" The strawberry blonde chuckled and jogged towards him.

"Finally!" The red head said with relief and approached the entrance.

"Nagisa! Where have you been? You made your future wife worried" he scolded the groom, passing the strawberry blonde man who was greeting a group of people. His best friend chuckled sheepishly. "The car broke down in the middle of the road so we had to call for assistance"

"This is Gakushū-kun, my best friend since middle school!" Gakushū was introduced by his best friend. The strawberry blonde man managed a courteous nod. "It's a pleasure to meet you all"


"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride" the minister sealed their fates. Nagisa pulled off the veil from Kaede's face so nothing could come between them, and leaned to kiss his wife's soft lips. Cheers and claps erupted from the crowd as they congratulated the newlyweds.

Gakushū smiled, clapping along. He may be smiling but that doesn't mean he wasn't feeling all sorts of negative emotions at the moment. Such as envy and sadness. Looking at the newlyweds' smiling faces, eyes clearly inlove, he tried to imagine himself in their position. His little daydream however couldn't be focused of, because Ren suddenly grabbed him by the arm. "Let's eat! I'm starving!"

Gakushū laughed. "You should pay your girlfriend some attention Ren, I saw some a guest bring a long platter of steak, go get her some"

"Oh, right" Ren nodded. "Terri! Where are you?" And he left to find his pregnant girlfriend, leaving Gakushū alone.

It wasn't long before he decided to leave, not sticking around for the after party.


Karma left after an hour, apologizing to Nagisa and Kaede for not staying a few more hours and making up excuses why he has to leave.

Soon, he found himself at a club, ordering shots and dancing with strangers.

He laughed drunkenly. "Whooooo!!!" He yells, before chugging a bottle of vodka


Gakushū ordered five shots of vodka. "Bottoms up" the bartender said as he pushed the shot glasses to the strawberry blonde man, who thanked him and downed the first glass in one go.

After finishing all five shots, he ordered for an entire bottle of whiskey, the strongest one he has, before facing the dance floor.

When he was given the bottle, he only took a gulp, or two, before setting it down, unbuttoned two of the buttons of his shirt, messed his hair, and stumbled to the dance floor.

He moved to the quick beat of the song, throwing his head back and swaying his hips, he couldn't stop the laughter from escaping his lips. It felt great really, just getting lost in the alcohol and forgetting about....forgetting about everything.

He felt a body collide against his, and his vision was suddenly full of red. Red and gold actually.

The person's golden eyes locked to his violet ones, and he thought his breath got knocked out of his lungs. The young man stared unblinkingly at him, and then a mischievous grin was etched to his face. He found the corners of his lips tugging upwards.

"Wanna dance?" He offered his hand.

The red head didn't answer, but he did take his offered hand and allowed himself to be pulled to the center of the dance floor.

(Author: Yep, another one. This idea wouldn't leave my head for some reason, I don't know why but marriage stories have been on my mind these days, and I really want to see Karma and Gakushū wedding fanarts. Like, Karma in a suit but with a veil or something, but I can't find anything.

Also, this story doesn't follow the Assassination Classroom universe so please don't be confused okay? I'm following my own road)

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