Chapter one

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Atsumu felt the ball hit his fingers perfectly. This was a good set. He aimed to his spiker.

The setter watched his best friend jump for the ball. His form was beautiful. Even though the moment lasted only bare seconds and Atsumu had seen it a thousand times, he was still in awe about the hitter.

Kiyoomi slammed the ball onto the other side the court.

"Omi-san, that was such a great spike!" Hinata cheered.

The MSBY was having a usual Friday five-on-five practise. Now they had come to match point.

"Let's end it guys!" Their captain yelled. They took their spots on the court and waited for Bokuto to serve the ball.

Long story short, the practise ended 27-25.

Atsumu and Kiyoomi high fived, "good work today Omi-Omi."

"Your sets weren't bad either," Kiyoomi smiled. They walked over to the locker rooms together with the team, fully ready to heave the sweaty shorts and shirts off.


"Race me to the car."


"Aw come on Omi-Omi, you're no fun," Atsumu whined.

They were on their way over to Osamu and Rintaro's apartment for a good old Friday hangout. The four were all busy with their jobs, so they didn't have too much time to all gather around for a good time. Atsumu and Kiyoomi had volleyball, Osamu his onigiri restaurant and Rintaro his waiter job.

The pair stepped inside Atsumu's black sports car. Yes, he was a show off.

"I still don't understand why you had to buy such an expensive car," Sakusa cavilled about the vehicle. The whole squad had told the man to buy a cheaper damn car but no.

"Because it's cool." Atsumu said, starting up his cool car. To be honest, it was cool.

The car ride wasn't long, the lenght of three songs they had the time to jam to. The driver made a smooth parking job in the parking lot of the apartment building and then they made their way to the right door. Atsumu, having his own key, and let them in.

"You two are early," Rintaro called from the kitchen ad he heard the door open.

"Rare," Osamu teased rounding the corner to the entrance, smirking.

"Oh shod off Samu," Atsumu said slipping off his shoes and jacket

"You know Tsumu, I was asked am I your brother today. Again."

"I hope you said you're too ugly to be such a hotties brother," Atsumu teased, making his way to the living room like he owned the place. Then he threw himself on the couch.

"Please, the only person who thinks you're hot is your reflection."

"That's the talk of someone jealous."

"Please you idiots, shut up. Rin, what are we eating? Smells good," Kiyoomi asked Suna in the kitchen.

"Ramen," Osamu cut in before his boyfriend had a chance to answer

"Samu we were supposed shut up, remember."

"That was definitely mostly to you, dumbass."

"You two are dorks," Kiyoomi said smiling.

Atsumu loved that smile. Kiyoomi didn't smile often around others but with the four of them, it was different.

The setter found himself staring and quickly turned away. Shit.

Suna called them to set the table and Atsumu quickly complied, getting the plates from the cabinet.

He needed something else to think, other than his black haired friend.

Soon they could all sit down to enjoy the meal. "Oh my god, Rin why did you become a waiter instead of a cook?" Atsumu mumbled mouth full of the delicious ramen.

"You know, today was one of those days that I wondered the same. Some customers are such bitches. For real, just eat your food and get out."

"Sometimes I just think, how in the hell did you get into customer service."

The squad continued their conversation, discussing their days and bringing up memories from their youth.

"Remember when Tsumu ate Samu's ice cream and Samu got so mad that didn't talk to him for a week."

"In my defense, I was sick and feeling sad. Also do you know how annoying it was to live in a house with only your twin, who then stops talking to you."

"Shouldn't have eaten my damn ice cream, dipshit."

Atsumu rolled his eyes at his brother playfully. This incident had been not too long after their mother's death, so they had both been on edge. Afterwards the situation just made them all laugh.

"It was so frustrating to be around you two then," Kiyoomi thought back chuckling.

"Good times, am I right?" Atsumu tried.

"No," answered Rintaro and Kiyoomi in unison.

"But hey, do you guys remember the cereal?" All the men barged in laughter at their shared memory. Oh did they enjoy each other's company. Even Atsumu got something else to focus on, other than Kiyoomi's presence opposite of him ar the table.


After the dinner Atsumu drove Kiyoomi home. They sat tiredly inside the vehicle, it already being past 1am. A long day it had been.

The driver kept his eyes mostly on the road but occasionally stole a glance at his passenger. Sakusa was quiet, staring out of the window into the night.

Atsumu found his mind wondering again. His black haired friend was on his mind more than he liked.

Atsumu's cool sports car rounded to the yard of Sakusa's house. "Thanks for the ride," Sakusa said, letting out a little yawn afterwards.

"Go to sleep, dude. It's way past your bed time."

The blond got a nice middle finger as an answer and laughed it off.

"Goodnight Tsumu."


Atsumu watched Kiyoomi disappear inside his house. Now he was left alone in his car at the driveway.

He sighed. Not this again. He thought he had stuffed his feeling far enough back then. This was going to be even harder now.

He was crushing on his best friend again.

A/N Idk how to take myself seriously
Also the way Suna asked them to set the table was prolly along the lines of "Okay you shits set the table or you won't get food"

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