Chapter two

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"There you go, enjoy your food." Osamu served his customer professionally. It was a surprisingly busy day for a normal Tuesday but the good weather probably kept people going.

Atsumu passed the exiting customer in the doorway of his brother's shop. He wasn't there for anything special, just to see how his sibling was doing.

And he was bored.

"Hello, brother dearest. Business seems to be kicking," Atsumu greeted the platinum blonde, the smell of fresh onigiri hitting him as he stepped into the restaurant.

"What are you doing here?"

"Am I not allowed to come see my own twin once in a while?" The older one scoffed.

"We just saw each other last weekend."


"Fine. It's nice to see you. I guess." Osamu said with an eye roll. Regardless of his salty attitude he was looking happy. Not that people who weren't close to him would have noticed.

"There we are! No need to look so gloomy," said Atsumu and ruffled Osmau's hair. He had made his
way on the other side of the counter to very possibly steal food.

"Could I get a treat?" He asked not even waiting for an answer but already reached his hand out to the onigiris.

"I don't know, you gonna pay?" Osamu asked flattening his hair back down while eyeing his brother.

"Wha- I'm your brother Samu!"

"Yeah, I should make you pay double for that misfortune. But don't take any, we're having a busy day."

"Fine. Also don't try to convince yourself you are not fulfilled with the most tender, brotherly love towards me," Atsumu commented.

The younger man rolled his eyes at his twin and quickly turned to the door when he heard a new customer come in.

"Welcome to Onigiri Miya- oh it's just you."

"Just me? Oh, you wound me, am I nothing to you anymore?" Suna exaggerated dramatically but still not bothering to take his hands out if his pockets. He went to kiss his partner over the counter.

Atsumu decided to take his chance on stealing a soda from the refrigerator. He didn't want to watch the interaction.

He wasn't really jealous of Rintaro and Osamu, more like jealous of what they had. Also known as a loving relationship. And he specifically wanted that with a certain person he knew.

"I'm just here to get keys. I forgot mine in the morning," Rintaro explained himself.

"I'll get them for you. I'll be late again tonight."

"'Kay but take it easy. I'll leave you food in the fridge."

His boyfriend just hummed in response and disappears to the back room to fetch his keys.

The door opened again and Osamu clearly heard it to the back since he called out to Atsumu to handle the customer for him. But since it happened to just be Atsumu's favorite friend Kiyoomi, he didn't bother.

"Omi-Omi, what are you doing here?"

"Could ask you two the same."

That's when Osamu scrambled from the back with his apartment key in hand.

"Oh hi Omi, nice to see you. Although I wonder why the hell does everyone close to me keep barging in without a notice. For real now I wouldn't be surprised if our dad suddenly came in from that door," he said while laughing and throwing the key to Rintaro who caught it from the fly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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