Special Chapter 1: Takahashi's

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3 years later...

[Ran's POV]

It's been three years since we got married. In the first year of our married, both of us got busy, I went to Italy to play for one of the teams there, while Ali was going back and forth in Japan and CA because of her work. There are times that she's with me in Italy because they have a conference there or she is invited as a speaker or trainer in Italy. In the second year, we decided to put a business in Japan, this is to have extra income for both of us, even though we both gaining enough income but this is for our future too.

Today, we have a family lunch date in one restaurant they reserved. I was back in Japan to ready for another Olympic game.

Me: "Ali? let's go"

I called her many times but she wasn't responding. When I go the living area, I saw that she falls asleep again. I knew she wasn't sleeping late this past few days but I wonder why she always falling asleep so easily today.

Me: "Ali?"

I carefully tap her shoulder and give her a kiss on her cheeks.

Me: "Princess wake up"

She opens her eyes and trying to adjust to the light.

Ali: "Ahh sorry, I've fallen asleep again"

Ran: "Are you sure you're alright"

Ali: "Yes, I am, I just didn't know I fell asleep. Sorry"

Ran: "It's fine, shall we go?"

Ali: "Ah yeah"

After almost an hour of drive from our apartment, we reached the restaurant where the reservation are.

We headed to the room and only Rui nii-san and Arata-san is there.

Arata: "Oh long time no see princess" - he immediately stand on her seat and run towards Ali

Ali: "you too nii-chan, how's your conference in America?"

Arata: "it's tiring but it's wonderful, about you, how are you?"

Ali: "Yeah, I'm fine"

Rui: "Good to see you again, Ran, how's it going? "

Me: "Still great, anyways where's mom and dad?"

Rui: "They are on their way, Riri is just out for a moment, she just need to pick up the cake"

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