Chapter 19: Tests and trials

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Nagisa was relieved when Aizawa brought him to dorm room and left him to get used to it. Today had been a long day, or was it already tomorrow? Probably. 'Started in casino, then mall incident and ended with me sharing my life story.

'At least They didn't throw me straight into cell maybe tomorrow after health check. But for today I will just go sleep.' He thought as he started taking off his disguises.

His clothes were dirty from the mall fight and he would have appreciated a good shower, but hero hadn't given him a tour and his room didn't have one. 'This is dorm building so there is probably one for each gender.' Blunette things as he takes look at his room.

White room with window, door and wardrobe made into the wall. Luckily Aizawa had given blunette a spare sleeping bag even if he already had one. 

Nagisa couldn't fight sleepiness and fall asleep fast.

*Knock! Knock!* Lazy knocks on door.

"Nagisa get up. You have health examination at eight."

He gets up still sleepy and starts putting on his suit and wig. Only when he starts putting on makeup to look older he rouses. 'I won't need these today' And takes them off and switches them to cargo pants and black long sleeved shirt.

"What took you so long?"Aizawa asks as blue haired kid descents to main hall.

"Sorry, I started putting on disguises."

'So this is real him... he looks pretty harmless.' "Ok. I brought food from cafeteria, so you can choose between two breads. Chicken or chicken?" And he shows the breads one in each of his hands.

Nagisa smiles."Hard one, let's go with chicken."

"Here."He throws the bread and Nagisa catches it. Aizawa continues."Eat while you follow." And they leave the building. 

Blunette gets better look at surroundings now that sun is up. School looks clean and gives college vibes like one of the place Nagisa broke into. He sees some students walking towards class in their school uniforms.



"What kind of dress code I have. I am not officially part of school, but some people might mistake me for a student." As he speaks he finishes the bread.

AIzawa things couple second for answer. "I will talk with principal what kind of plan he has for you, but for today just follow me and after that you can stay in dorm."

He continues after remembering. "We also need to get you some pieces of furniture like bed and some writing table."

"I have money so I can go buy."

"No, principal will take care of it, for now lets just take the medical tests." Teacher answers sharply.


"Nothing too out of the ordinary, you are in far better physical condition that most peoples of your age and some of our future heroes could take your example, but that's it. It doesn't seem like our worlds viruses are totally alien to yours, so you should not get any diseases. Well this fact would have came apparent couple weeks after you arrived, but nothing did happen."

Schools nurse and pro-hero Recovery girl said. She was short elderly women who looked like stereotypical grandmother. She had taken all short of measurements from Nagisa.

"So I don't have superpowers?"

"They are called quirks and you don't seem to have one. Now stop being cheeky and next we will test how well your muscles flex."

After ten or so minutes they were finally done. Elder gave blunette a drink and sit on chair opposite of bed where Nagisa was sitting.

"While I can analyze your physical health I can't know what is going on inside of your head, so I will ask you 'how are doing?'"

*Sip*"In couple of months I have gotten used to this world, but I do miss my friends."

"And what about your family?"

"Yes and no, it's complicated."

"Complicated usually don't mean good." And she gives kid understanding smile. Then she continues.

"What do you wanna do when you grow up? I heard from Nezu that you were trained to be assassin, do you wanna be one?" And she takes sip of her own drink.

"Good question. I have talent for the it or so my teacher said and I agree."

"But do you wanna be one. You are answering to wrong question."

"I know. I thought about this and I came to conclusion that I would become teacher."

"You really loved your teacher."

"Ha ha, I won't deny it. Koro-sensei is my role model, even probably more than I believe." Nagisa's smile became melancholic." When we killed him it felt so strange. While there was feeling of fear and sadness in me there was hint of happiness, as psychotic as it sounds. It was like a end of a story and beginning of a other one."

Hero sit silently listening. While she had her opinions about forcing students to kill their own teacher, she chose to listen.

Somehow their psyche analysis turned into just Nagisa telling Recovery girl stories about his class and shenanigans they got into.

Sound of knocking stop their talk and boy went with Aizawa after saying byes to nurse. Nurse was left alone finish the examination and writing that Nagisa was also mentally alright.

The pro-hero and kid assassin instead started their tour of the school. School was already over and the most of the students had left expect those in some clubs, still their tour went without hitch.

Finally they arrived to training hall which was empty expect for pro-hero Midnight who had come to watch what happens next.

"Nagisa, principal asked me to test your skills. Are you okay with that?" Aizawa says while looking kid in the eyes.

Nagisa nods."Sounds good."

They both walked inside the ring. Neither of them had any weapons and Aizawa had also taken the scarf of. 

"You both are ready to start?" Midnight said while looking at both parties and she received nods from both of them.

"And start!"


Thank you for reading

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