Chapter 1: Waking up in the wilderness

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Hi. you probably skipped first chapter "Things and stuff" , Thus quick reminder there will be big spoilers for both series.

Also I don't own anything relating either series,anime nor manga. I just don't own anything. This message goes for whole series, because I am too lazy to write it every time.


Nowadays it was rarity for Nagisa to get a wink of sleep that wasn't haunted by nightmares of the fateful day week ago, but surprisingly today when he started to wake up he felt extremely well rested.

Rays of sun light seemed to came strangely from above and room is chilly. Well, whatever he probably just forget to close the window before bed. He just changes his side, but texture against his face is strange

Also now that he tries to crasp the blanket it seems to have been disappeared. Wait why he had clothes on and this doesn't feel like bed at all.

Nagisa stirs up and sits up before immediately taking notice of his unnatural surroundings, Or in this case too natural surroundings a forest.

He jumps up and gets blinded by rays of sunlight. After his eyes adjust to light he starts looking around and hears birds are chirping also he can feel the wind now better. He panics little taking a battle stance.

By first look he doesn't regonize the surroundings, but main problem was how he even got here. Was he kidnapped? He remembers coming home and was going to sleep- no. He didn't go to sleep, he was coming back to home around 23pm, because he had been meeting his friends, to go sleep at home.

He looks at his clothes. White sneakers, plain white T-shirt, black pants with knee pockets good for terrain and also his dark blue jacket. There is also his backpack on the ground that he also had yesterday.

Nagisa starts remembering taking shortcut through the side alley, when suddenly something happened. He felt sudden need to vomit and moves fast couple meter into the bushes starting to empty his stomach.

After while Nagisa starts to feel better and walks awkwardly to his backpack taking half full bottle of water emptying it.

As he drinks water he starts to remember that feeling. It was like ground just started collapsing- no the air started to- No it was like space itself collapsed on itself while he was middle of it. When it collapsed Nagisa felt like being in one of those amusement park device that send you fast high up and you feel your organs moving from the speed. It was the same, but everything moved like spiral instead of usually one-way. This happened to his full body until it got to his head and he blacked out.

Just remembering this made Nagisa wanna vomit again. Luckily there was nothing to get rid of.

Nagisa put bottle pack to his greenish backpack and took phone out, but it stated there was no signal. Great.

'For starters I should try to figure where I am.' He thinks and so he chooses easiest way and starts climbing the highest tree around. Climbing was pretty easy thanks to assassination training during time in 3-E, that had made him physically noticeably stronger than average person.

He get to the top quickly and notices immediately that he was in some park just next to the city and he could also see radio tower just a half a kilometre away. which was strange because his phone didn't get signal.

He continued trying to get signal and looking around, but gave up and jumps down. His phone had probably broken from chilly and damp night, he can just fix it up later. Bigger problem he noticed was he didn't recognize the surrounding so somehow he had been moved farther than anticipated.

Just when he starts to move towards direction of building he notices strange marks on the surface of the tree which under he slept, spirals. Same as when he lost his consciousness. 'Strange' he thinks and takes a fast picture of it before continuing walking down from forest.

'Flora and fauna seem to be same environment around 3-E so at least I am not at least moved to other country or anything. Well I still need to speak to Ritsu about this, maybe she has some clue whats going on.' Nagisa groaned internally and run down the hill.

He would run faster, but book "Koro-sensei's rules to live by" was in his backpack. Truthfully describing it as book when it is more of an collection of books creating a over-sized brick easily capable of killing a man if wielded wrong.

While Nagisa continued descend he zoned out and started to think yet again events of the week, like so many times before.

'The fact that we killed Koro sensei felt terrifying even after it was done. I would like to say we did it together and we did, but I was the one that gave the killing blow straight to the heart. '

'I can't really describe how it feels. Sadness of loss, deep disgust of myself for doing the deed, anger and regret, for not finding nor taking other way.'

 'Yet I also feel happiness and pure love for doing it, because I did it out of love and respect towards him. We the students of his got the kill and not some nameless scientist, even if they just did their job.'

'It is strange feeling of using my talent to kill, even if I am secretly taking some pride for my skills.'

'He founded my talent for being an assassin and helped me to cultivate it, even if it was morally at best 'questionable'. And for this I am ever thankful, but I still ask, is it right to cultivate such an talent.'

'Will I ever understand this mess of feelings? I don't believe so.'

As Nagisa continued pondering this and his friends past deeds he arrived to the edge of  forest faster than expected.

He just started to walk along the road until he would meet someone for the directions. And soon passerby walked towards him and Nagisa planned asking from him until he noticed an unexpected feature.



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