Chapter 8: His quirk

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'Things couldn't been going better for me.' Nagisa thinks as he is getting ready to leave library before than usually. It's going to rain this evening so he needs to solve the sleeping place problem before evening.

Nagisa came to conclusion he would try option three, love hotel, because he red from online some places don't need papers to get in. 

He could just lock himself in room for couple of days and finish the research and can also order food to his room so he won't starve. Solid plan.

Problem was Nagisa needs to disguise as Yama yet again to get in, because he didn't believe cashier would let mid-schooler in for night.

'It shouldn't be much of a problem, also I need to buy more internet and get rest of my stuff from the forest before I go.' Nagisa told himself as he walked with his backpack and turns to side alley.

Just moment after Nagisa turns to smaller road he hears scream from the road ahead.

"Villain stole my purse!" Old lady screams surprisingly loud, probably thanks to her quirk Nagisa considers to himself and his interest shifts to man running towards him.

Stereotypical thug with stupid grin on his face wearing full black costume. 'Can't look anymore suspicious?' And Nagisa notices his finger have changed into knives. 'Transmutation type of quirk. Is it only his fingers or can he transform his  full body into blades?' He ponders coolly as man continues running loudly.

Nagisa drops the bag to ground and continues analyzing. 

'He is planning to slash me while running. Also based on his way of moving his body while running he probably doesn't know much about fighting. Let's just deal him same way as armed opponent, expect I can't disarm him so I need to use that move.'

"Move girl or I slash you into pieces!" Thug orders and tick mark appears on Nagisa's forehead.

Thug jumps last couple meters and slashes Nagisa swiftly. Nagisa already predicted this so he dug under the blade and steps forward to grap thugs hand.

Villain doesn't have time to react, because Nagisa's moves were too fast and smooth. Man barely notices himself flying toward a ground back first.

*Crash!* Nagisa had used man's arm as a pivot and throw him to the ground leaving a little crater.

"For the next time I am a boy." Nagisa tells to unconscious man, but he still makes sure he is unconscious before picking up woman's purse.

She runs with great trouble to him out of breath and starts thanking him.

"No problem, happy help. You should call the police." Nagisa instructs the woman who is panicking little. To Nagisa's luck she calms down fast enough and starts calling the police.

While making call Nagisa picks up his bag. 'It's best I am not here when police come. They would probably want me to call my parents and for the obvious reasons things would become very troublesome.

"Okay I will go now." Nagisa says and starts walking away. Woman is going say something when new voice speaks.

"Wait a second kid."Nagisa heart froze from hearing the sound from the roof. A black haired man dressed in full green jumpsuit said, and Nagisa stops.

'This is bad!' Nagisa thinks as man drops down behind him not seeing Nagisas face.

"Ah, 'Captain green stick' please help this thug tried rob me, but I am safe thanks to this young girls bravery"

"Ok, I understand and you young girl." Captain speaks to Nagisa who is measuring his chances.

'If I try fight him I can just use clap stunner to take him out, but police will come after me. I should try play it cool.' He thinks and takes notebook with pencil from his back.

"Captain green stick could I get your signature?!" Nagisa throws his best female impression and stretch out open notebook while keeping his eyes to the ground not to create sight contact, and surprisingly captain blushes. 

'Don't blush, aren't you the law enforcement?' Nagisa reprimands man internally.

"Well when You ask so nicely, girl." And he picks Nagisa's notebook and Nagisa still kept his sight to ground.

"And here."

"Thank you!" Nagisa says with girly voice and takes back the book. He moves book to hide his face to act shy and Captain is as oblivious as ever.

"So young lady what is your name."

"Yua Yama, mister hero." Nagisa says reflexively 

'she shall be one of the daughters of old man Yama.' Nagisa tells to himself and continues listen to hero.

"Where are your parents at home I was just going back. Also is it too much of problem if I go" Nagisa asks sickeningly sweetly and winks eyes couple of time.

'Luckily none of my classmates see this' Nagisa thanked internally and kept his sweet, if forced, smile.

"O-of course you can."Captain stuttered and Nagisa nods before walking fast away.

"So what happened madam?" Hero continued asking from woman who was forgotten to the side.

"Yes my purse was stolen, but that nice young lady put this criminal unconscious and then you arrived." Woman states and Captain notices his mistake. He had thought girl was just the passerby and he turns around, but girl is long gone.

Same time, after Nagisa got out of sight he started to run his heart running like last day.

'That was too close. I need to change immediately to the old man Yama.' Nagisa thought and continued running until he arrived to the tree. 

First droplets started to fall and was already dark when Nagisa finally arrived to the love hotel. He was little nervous, but less than when he infiltrated the casino and he walked to the counter.

"One room for two night, please." Nagisa asks.

"Any you like? We have many to choose from as example the lotion play room or this one with climbing grips around the wall and roof while floor is padded." Enthusiastic cashier starts to explain.

"We also have rooms for larger groups of three to seven and lot more. Any you like?" Cashier finished after solid ten minutes of explaining.

Nagisa had tried protecting his little innocent ears, so he answered man to just give him cheap and normal room.

Nagisa let sight and collapsed to bed. He had registered with name Haruto Yama for three days, cashier had questioning look but didn't ask further.

Nagisa ordered pizzas and drink before watching TV. He didn't concentrate to program for his thoughs were in more serious problem he had noticed by watching videos linked to his post.

'I am totally out of league with these peoples. For example many of the heroes can take down buildings and dodge gun fire. I don't have any chance in one'o'one combat with these peoples.'

'I need to get stronger, get weapons or just avoid combat, or best do all of those same time.'

'First and second are pretty same, but I don't know where buy tasers or is it even possible to buy them without papers. Third one is easy and for the second I can make pepper spray.'

But Nagisa didn't know how to become strong enough until he remembered Koro sensei's book, 'maybe it had some clues.'

And indeed it did multiple strange and powerful moves. Most of these moves required perfect control over body and some of them were close to supernatural.

Talking about supernatural Nagisa came to conclusion he would use his 'clap stunner' move as his quirk, this way he can use it without raising suspicion.


'Captain green stick' really? I was too lazy to think better name.

Let's see in the next chapter.

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