First day in London

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Hope you guys liked the last chapter. I'm probably the only person who updates her book like 5 times a day. Haha! It's only because I love writing these book and I wanted you guys to have a lot of chapters to read. LOVE YOU BABES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xoxoxo-Chewwy B <3


I woke up in Harry's arms, i was lucky since he was wearing boxers. I will get to wake up like this all summer, my life is awesome! I slid out of his grip and kissed his cheek. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to see Louis eating and watching tv in only sweatpants. I told him that i was gonna talk to my friend and i'll be right outside the door. I walked outside and called Margaux knowing i'd have to tell her sooner or later.

"Hello?" she answered on the first ring

"Hey babe! What's up?" my voice was getting shakey

"Nothing, where are you? Normally you would have come over as soon as you woke up." I had to tell her

"I'm in London with One Direction..."

"Hahaha you're funny"

"not joking, I'm at Louis and Harry's flat. I have exciting news though"

"OMG OMG OMG OMG WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!?!?! and what news?"

"I'm dating Harry..."


"babe, you there?"

"I know that this is kinda rude but I need to talk to Louis for proof."

"hahaha i know you just wanna talk to him, don't lie to me. but okay one sec" I walked in and Lou had moved "I HAVE CARROTS!!!!" i grabbed some carrots out of the fridge and turned around to see him running down the stairs "Mr. Carrot King, my friend would like to talk to you. She doesn't believe i'm with you guys" He took my phone

"Hello this is the carrot king, how may i be of your service.....hello? umm beccs, is she still there?" haha she fainted! I took the phone and told louis that she fainted and he laughed then took the carrots to his room. I texted her saying to call me whenever


"In the kitchen" a girl gets hungry, don't judge. Harry walked in and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind which startled me making me almost burn the pancakes I was making. I put them on 3 plates then turned around to Harry. I smashed my lips against his and pulled away quickly knowing he's want more i winked and started eating. Harry grabbed his plate and sat next to me.

After we finished i went to die my hair black leaving one strand blonde, it was a strand that you could kind of see it through the top layer of mmy now black hair. Today was Zayn. I popped in the brown contacts and got dressed. I put on my jeans, a shirt that said "The band is with me", put on my black varsity jacket over it i put on some jewlery and slid on my red nike's. I decided on side braid to where the top was pulled back making it look a little messy and showing the blonde streak. I sprayed on my vanilla perfume and went to watch tv.

"Well you are a sexy version of me I might say" Zayn walked in through the front door and stared at my outfit

"You are a sexier Zayn then I am though"

"Why thank you" he winked at me and sat next to me. I honestly had no clue what was on but it was funny so I din't change it.

"Hi Zayns" Liam and Niall walked in and tried to get used to me with black hair. I do admit i looked REALLY different.

"Will you guys take a picture of me and Zayn? My friend is making me send her a picture of me as Zayn fr proof and being with him will also prove that I wasn't lying this morning"

Niall stood up and took my phone "Sure think Zaynie" He took the picture and I sent it to Margaux. She's gonna kill me when I get back

"Thanks my fellow leperchaun" they all looked at me confused


"Haha i'm half irish"

"OOOOHHHH!!!!" They all said in unison. "what else are you?" Liam added in

"Czechlslovakian" they all looked at me weird "It was the Czech republic and Slovakia before they became two different places" they all nodded when they finally got it

Harry and Louis finally came downstairs after getting ready. Harry sat on my lap and Lou sat on Harry's. "Yes, i would love for you guys to break my legs" i said sarcastically "Then I guess we'll join" Niall sat on Louis' lap and Zayn sat on Niall's lap. Liam was the only nice one and he just sat there on the couch. He did take a picture though.

"okay now before my legs actually break can we get off becca" I pushed them onto the floor, poor Zayn got quished "thanks" i went and sat next to Liam "So what's up Li?"

"Nothin much. On instagram"..."You have an instagram?"..."yeaah, why?"..."Lemme see your phone, i promise i won't go through anything" he handed me his phone and i went to follow myself on instagram "Now you are following meeee" i winked and skipped into the kitchen, i grabbed oreos and sat on Niall sharing them with him

"You eat like Niall.." Lou pointed out

"That would be because of my high metabolism" i patted my flat stomach

"OMG i have that too!" Niall and i high-fived and kept eating the oreo's until they were gone.

"I just noticed that if she was blonde again she really would be the girl version of Niall" Zayn pointed out. Me and the irish boy burst into laughter. They all said they were bored so I turned on my music and turned off the tv

"DANCE PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!" Me and Louis yelled as we got up and started dancing like wierdos 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies' came on and I sang along

"HOLY CRAP! SHE SINGS!!!" Niall yelled when the song ended, me and Harry started laughing. "What's so funny?"

"We discussed this a couple days ago" Harry pointed out. Then 'When I'm Gone' by Eminem came on and I rapped along with him "SHE RAPS TOO" Niall's jaw dropped open

"Hun, close your mouh. You'll catch flies" i winked and put on 'Feel Good' By Gorillaz so I could rap some more.

"I'm hungry" Me and Niall said in unison. We high-fived then looked at Liam "Can we go get food?" We asked at the exact same time again.

"Okay" Liam agreed and I ran up stairs to grab my fake glasses like the ones Zayn had to complete my outfit. I ran back down jumping off when I reached the 10th step. I landed on my feet and walked over to the boys. "Okay ready" i said almost out of breath

"Are you a ninja?" Lou asked

"Maybeee..." i winked at him

We went to Nandos and ate talking about me, i don't know why but Liam seemed very intrested. After dinner everyone but me and Niall went clubbing. We went back to Harry and Lou's flat. I put on Grease knowing it was Niall's favorite movie and made some pocorn.

I guess while we were watching the movie and fell asleep because i woke up in the livingroom and i was laying on Niall's chest. I fell back asleep to the sound of Niall's heartbeat. I love these boys

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