Helping My Bestfriend

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HEY GUYS!! Long time no update! Sorry about that. I've been busy with school. Being a sophomore is a lot harder than I thought and on top of that my best friend passed away. I'll try to write more I promise I will, but this chapter will be kinda short.. One pic on the side & another in the external link and a video of their new song. I love you, my little leperchauns!!!!!

xx~Mama Unicorn


"One Direction Star Liam Payne had his heart broken when out with friend and best mates girlfriend, Rebecca Dillard. Will he ever recover from being cheated on?" I read the shocking magazine cover. I shook my head and walked over to the room Liam was in.

"Li-Li, can you tell me what happened between you two now?" I knocked lightly. I heard some shuffling and then the door opened. Liam quickly turned and went back to his bed. I've never seen him this upset before. He's always happy and he is the one who makes everyone else happy when they're upset.

"Well, the first night she was here after we got back from the club she told me that when we were here and she had just arrived at the dance competition one of the other dancers had to move into her hotel room because his bathroom or something was messed up. She cheated on me Becca. Of all people who could hurt me I never thought it would be her." Tears rolled down his cheek. I wiped them and pulled him in to hug and comfort him.

"Leeyum, It'll be okay. You'll find someone better who won't hurt you and who will love you no matter what kind of hate they get from your fans. I promise you." I rubbed small circles on his back trying to get him to stop crying. I felt the shaking of his body stop after a while. I stood up and looked at him. "Liam, get dressed and meet me in the kitchen, we're going to get ice cream." I kissed his cheek then skipped out of his room and into mine. I slid on some jean shorts and my Ramones t-shirt that i stole from Harry. I had cut the sleeves off and Gracie made it into a crop top. I quickly changed my belly button ring to a heart that had the british flag in it. I grabbed my white converse and slid those on then grabbed my Adventure Time snapback and walked out of my room.

"Becca!! I'm Ready!!" Liam shouted from the door. I walked down the hallway and told him that i needed to grab my phone. He smiled and nodded so i ran into the living room where my phone currently was.

"Why all dressed up babe?" Haz look up from that kittens around him. He was literally a cat magnent. Everytime he walked into my house they wouldn't leave him alone. I giggled slightly before frantically searching for my phone.

"Becca and Li-Li ice cream date. Where's my phone?" I started to move around all the chushions and everthing that was on the couch.

"Date?" Harry raised an eyebrow. I sighed.

"Not that kinda date Haz, just like a sibling date kind of thing. I wanna cheer him up." I tossed the last pillow onto the floor. "WHERE'S MY PHONE?!" I sat down and then looked at the smiling Irish boy across the room. "You, phone, now." I stuck my hand out.

"Whatcha talking about. I only have my phone... and hazzas.." He smiled and chuckled his little leperchaun laugh then got up and ran.

"LIAM!! GET THAT SMALL CHILD BEFORE I DO!" I started chasing him through the house and then saw that Liam had Niall pinned to the wall. "Niall, phone now please." I stuck out my hand. He shook his head and I saw my black phone sticking out of his back pocket. "Leeyum, I got this." I took Liam's place and held Niall against the wall. I smiled and slowly slid my hand down his side and around to his butt. I whispered in his ear. "Take my phone again, you'll die." I grabbed my phone and let him go. "C'mon Liam." I smiled and grabbed his hand.


"One cotton candy in a cone and one pistachio in a cone please." I handed the lady behind the counter a $20 and told her to keep the change. I handed Liam his ice cream and started to eat mine slowly, watching him just stare out of the window. I sighed and his gaze went from outside to me. I smiled slightly at him and he smiled back then started to eat his ice cream.

Once we had finished I took him to the car and drove to my aunts house. I opened the door and the small little rat dogs came running my way. "BELLA!!" I screamed from the front door. She came out of her room and looked over the railing. Once she saw Liam she ran down the stairs and jumped into his arms. He spun her around then set her back down. "Bella, do you wanna go to the movies with us?" She nodded so fast that I thought she'd fall over. She smiled and ran upstairs to get dressed before Ethan came out from the movie room.

"Becca, can you help me with this level of Lego Marvel?" I smiled up at him

"I can't but I'm sure Liam would love to." I slightly nudged him up the stairs before he started to walk up them himself. I hope they get along.

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